Tools based on AI for helping with Lean 4
A tool for automatic formalisation of natural language theorem statements to Lean3 code using OpenAI Codex.
A project in formal microeconomics.
A library of results from Social Choice Theory, formalized in the Lean Theorem Prover.
The matrix cookbook, proved in the Lean theorem prover
paulgp / applied_metrics
Forked from chrisconlon/applied_metricsA PhD course in Applied Econometrics and Panel Data
🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code.
R package to generalize and transport causal effects.
🔧 R package: startup - Friendly R Startup Configuration
Minimalist LaTeX template for academic presentations
R package containing a host of datasets useful for economic research. Complete with raw data and cleaning functions.
Estimation of heterogeneous agent models using both macro and micro data
This course provides a graduate level introduction to probability and statistics. The course was designed for economists starting their doctoral education. Edits, comments, and suggestions are welc…
Code to solve exercises from Adda and Cooper's "Dynamic Economics" book
Exercise solutions to "R for Data Science"
R code for Angrist & Pischke Mastering Metrics
Quantitative Economics with Python Course (NYU) Spring 2016
LaTeX transcription of definitions, propositions, corollaries, and lemmas from Microeconomic Theory by Mas-Colell, Whinston, Green (MWG, 1995).
MACS 40200 (Winter 2020): Structural Estimation
Collection of published papers that estimate dynamic programming models
Slides and demo script for a talk for IMF econometricians on machine learning
Final project for ECON-5253, Data Science for Economists with Dr. Tyler Ransom
R code for the TES9130- econometrics course
A collection of notes and quasi-formal projects from coursework, paper replications, research, and individual study.