Playground Public
Repository for testing things found online and for learning new stuff
C++ UpdatedJan 30, 2025 -
Home_automation Public
Home automation project for controlling chickencoop and sprinklers. It also offers weather forecast and watching stream from camera.
C++ UpdatedFeb 7, 2021 -
Soil_moisture_sensor Public
Soil mousture sensor project uses MQTT to transmit data over internet. It also displays difrent colors on LED that inform about soil moisture.
C++ UpdatedOct 30, 2020 -
Home_automation_watering Public
ESP32/ESP8266 code for home automation project. This part of code is responsible for reciving time and opening solenoid valve for that peroid of time.
C++ UpdatedOct 30, 2020 -
Self driving car that can also be controlled with IR remote controler.
C++ UpdatedSep 15, 2020 -
Qt_balancing_robot Public
Project created using Qt framework for controlling robot parameters
Qt-sqllite Public
Project created with Qt framework and SQLite used in dean's office
Makefile UpdatedMay 31, 2020 -
We can set any digital pin of arduino to low or high through web page created on nodemcu