A feature engineering package for deep learning models, based on a SMILES
representation of chemical compounds.
Enables fast customization and testing of feature matrices.
Before installation one can try a demo of this package by opening demo.ipynb
notebook in Google Colab.
Static preview of the notebook with a rendered output is provided here.
This notebook contains complete practical example of usage and basic documentation of the package (section 2.3).
The easiest way to recreate environment on a local host is to install Anaconda or Miniconda and buid it from the attached smilearn.yml
# clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/mateuszrezler/smilearn.git
# create environment
$ cd smilearn
$ conda env create -f smilearn.yml
# activate environment
$ conda activate smilearn
# run demo
$ jupyter notebook demo.ipynb
γ-Cyhalothrin and heatmap of its feature matrix generated using this package.