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Tags: mathnet/mathnet-iridium



Toggle v2008.8.16.470's commit message
Math.NET Iridium Release 2008.8.16.470

Math.NET Iridium (Numerics) - 2008.8.16.470 (2008 August Release, Iteration 16) ===============================================================================

Team: Christoph Rüegg, Joannès Vermorel, Matthew Kitchin


* Bugs: All known 4 bugs have been fixed.
* Completely revised and extended interpolation toolkit.
* New complex matrix and vector type (Complex Linear Algebra will follow in the next iteration).
* Slightly enhanced real matrix and vector types .
* QR decompositions are now unique (positive real R diagonal).
* Complex type now has a public constructor, more intuitive.
* New Digamma (Psi) special function.
* Various other small changes.


IRID-130: Core - New Digamma (Psi) Special Function
IRID-172: Core - Complex Number: Unitary - normalize to unit circle
IRID-152: Core - Random construction of complex numbers
IRID-144: Core - Sorting for tuples and triples
IRID-150: Linear Algebra - Complex Matrix type
IRID-149: Linear Algebra - Complex Vector type
IRID-173: Linear Algebra - Provide permutation matrix on LU decomposition
IRID-170: Linear Algebra - Matrix Negation Operator
IRID-156: Linear Algebra - Matrix: Create a diagonal matrix from a diagonal vector.
IRID-154: Linear Algebra - Create matrices from a set of row or column vectors.
IRID-155: Linear Algebra - Get and set single row or column vector of a matrix
IRID-142: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Cubic Spline
IRID-141: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Cubic Hermite Spline
IRID-140: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Linear Spline
IRID-139: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Spline [General]
IRID-138: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Barycentric polynomial on chebyshev2 points
IRID-137: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Barycentric polynomial on chebyshev1 points
IRID-136: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Barycentric polynomial on equidistant points
IRID-135: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Barycentric Rational without poles (Floater & Hormann)
IRID-134: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Barycentric [General]
IRID-133: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Rational with poles (Bulirsch & Stoer)
IRID-132: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Polynomial (Neville)
IRID-143: Interpolation - New Interpolation Method: Akima Spline


IRID-129: Core - Complex Type: public constructor
IRID-178: Core - Weak Implementation Complex.GetHashCode()
IRID-174: Linear Algebra - Force QR decomposition to be unique (positive real R diagonal)
IRID-157: Linear Algebra - Matrix: Direct access to decomposition results (e.g. eigen values)
IRID-148: Linear Algebra - Vector: Scalar Addition/Subtraction Operators
IRID-153: Linear Algebra - Generic interface for vectors and matrices (real vs complex)
IRID-146: Linear Algebra - Vector to implement the IList(double) generic interface
IRID-147: Linear Algebra - Matrix: element-wise raise to power and generic function mapping
IRID-131: Interpolation - New Interpolation Architecture


IRID-127: Core - Collections: Intersection Collection ctor - swap typo
IRID-177: Linear Algebra - Pseude-Inverse of an m-smallerthan-n matrix
IRID-171: Linear Algebra - Vector.ToRowMatrix: wrong loop condition
IRID-128: Linear Algebra - Vector Cross Product - indices offset


Toggle v2008.4.14.425's commit message
Math.NET Iridium Release 2008.4.14.425

Math.NET Iridium (Numerics) - 2008.4.14.425 (2008 April Release, Iteration 14)

Team: Christoph Rüegg, Joannès Vermorel, Matthew Kitchin


- 3 Bugs fixed (see below)
- Better special function precision (Gamma, Beta, Erf, Distributions etc.)
- New direct gamma function, new harmonic number function
- Interpolation: usability enhancements.


IRID-122: Core - New direct Gamma function (additional to GammaLn) with negative value support
IRID-123: Core - New Special Function: Harmonic Numbers


IRID-121: Core - Better numerical precision for Gamma function
IRID-125: Interpolation - Additional interpolation and sample list constructors for double arrays.
IRID-126: Interpolation - Better interpolation order access and defaults


IRID-119: Interpolation - Polynomial Extrapolation in positive direction throws IndexOutOfRangeException
IRID-120: Linear Algebra - Infinite recursion
IRID-124: Linear Algebra - Matrix.CopyToArray - wrong indexer in inner loop condition.


Toggle v2008.4.12.405's commit message
Math.NET Iridium Release 2008.3.12.405

Math.NET Iridium (Numerics) - 2008.3.12.405 (2008 March Release, Iteration 12)

Team: Christoph Rüegg, Joannès Vermorel, Matthew Kitchin
New Contributions: Mike Shugai


- 3 Bugs fixed (see below)
- Linear Algebra: Matrix Kronecker product, new Vector class, perf (caching)
- Core: Sinc function, neper/decibel ratio routines.
- Probability Distributions: New: Student's-T, F, Skew-Alpha Stable.
- Assemblies no longer signed with a certificate (because verification caused network access)


IRID-113: Core - Neper and Decibel Helper and Factors
IRID-116: Core - Sinc Function
IRID-111: Linear Algebra - Matrix Kronecker Tensor Product
IRID-59:  Linear Algebra - New Vector class (related to the Matrix class)
IRID-99:  Probability Distributions - New Distribution: Skew Alpha Stable Distribution
IRID-108: Probability Distributions - New Distribution: F-Distribution
IRID-109: Probability Distributions - New Distribution: Student's-T


IRID-106: Linear Algebra - Cache for on-demand computations (like decompositions)


IRID-107: Core - Complex: Unexpected power behavior at zero
IRID-97:  Linear Algebra - Matrix.Identity allocation bug in non-square cases
IRID-98:  Probability Distributions - ArbitraryDistribution NextInt32 does not consider offset.


IRID-110: Remove Certificate Signing (cert validation causes network access)


Toggle v2008.2.10.364's commit message
Math.NET Iridium Release 2008.2.10.364

Math.NET Iridium (Numerics) - 2008.2.10.364 (2008 February Release, Iteration 10)

Team: Christoph Ruegg, Joannes Vermorel


- 8 Bugs fixed (see below)
- Performance: The linear algebra implementation has ben optimized, resulting in nearly 50% perf gain.
- New Robust Linear Regression (IRLS algorithm)
- Api References: Inline Xml Documentation has been improved (but is still far from where we'd like it to be).
- Security: The released binaries now have a strong name, are locked down with code access security and allow partial trusted callers. We now use test-signing internally. Also, the official assemblies are now signed with a certificate.
- Build/Release Integration: We now moved completely to custom msbuild targets, releases are now fully automated (incl. documentation generation) and the continuous integration system has been upgraded. Since releasing is now much easier, you can expect new releases more often.

IRID-32: Core - Provide Constants + Update Scientific Constants to CODATA 2007
IRID-87: Probability Distributions - InverseCumulativeDistribution for LogNormal


IRID-82: Documentation - Update inline XML documentation
IRID-91: Linear Algebra - Conversion to double[,]
IRID-96: Linear Algebra - Use jagged arrays as internal data structure. 50% Perf Gain.
IRID-78: Transformations - Increase Supported FFT Sample Size to 2097152


IRID-77: Core - Complex number natural log bug
IRID-89: Core - Regularized Beta Function returns inverted result in some cases
IRID-92: Core - Polynomial copy constructor doesn't set order field
IRID-90: Linear Algebra - Inverting Matrix via Cholesky and LUD - different results.
IRID-88: Probability Distributions - ErlangDistribution number generator produces unexpected shape
IRID-85: Probability Distributions - Distribution Constructor Bug: Beta, Chi, ChiSquare, LogNormal, Normal
IRID-86: Probability Distributions - NormalDistribution Class
IRID-72: Statistics - Accumulator bug fixed (patch provided)


IRID-93: Core - Signing, Strong Name, Code Access Security
IRID-94: Core - Release Automation
IRID-95: Core - Rename Newgrad, NewDegree -> Grad
IRID-7:  Unit Tests - Restore temporarely removed Unit Tests