Generate spreadsheet publications that follow best-practice guidance from the UK Government’s Analysis Function.
This package is a work-in-progress concept to experiment with new methods for the {a11ytables} package. It may never be fully-featured or complete.
Install from GitHub via {remotes}:
The basic workflow involves building a ‘blueprint’: a list object that contains all the information needed to create an output workbook.
First, let’s define some demo data that represents a table of statistical data to be published.
mtcars_x <- mtcars[6:10, 1:5]
mtcars_x[2, 2] <- "[note 1]"
Now we can create our list blueprint (new_blueprint()
) and build it up
sheet by sheet, with specialised functions to add each sheet required by
the best-practice standards (append_cover()
, append_contents()
, append_tables()
). Each function has its own checks
and arguments.
blueprint <-
new_blueprint() |> # initiate blueprint list
title = "I am a Test Workbook",
sections = list( # element names are headers, vector elements are new lines
"First Section" = "This is some text.",
"Second Section" = c("This is some text.", "This is some more text."),
"Third Section" = c("This is some text.", "This is some more text", "Even more."),
"Fourth Section" = "This is some text."
) |>
table = data.frame(
Tab = c("Notes", "Table_1"),
Description = c("The notes page.", "The first table [note 5].")
) |>
table = data.frame(
Note = c("[note 1]", "[note 2]"),
Description = c("This is a note.", "This is another note")
) |>
sheet_name = "Table_1", # will appear as the tab name in the workbook
title = "The Title 1 [note 3]",
subtitle = "The subtitle 1",
custom = c( # arbitrary pre-table information
x = "A custom row",
y = "Another custom row",
"A third."
source = "The source.",
tables = mtcars_x
) |>
append_tables( # this worksheet has two tables
sheet_name = "Table_2",
title = "The Title 2",
subtitle = "The subtitle 2",
source = "The source 2.",
tables = list( # provide multiple tables in list format
"Subtable 2.1" = mtcars[1:5, 1:5],
"Subtable 2.2" = mtcars_x
Click to see the structure of the blueprint object.
str(blueprint, 3)
# List of 5
# $ Cover :List of 6
# ..$ sheet_type : chr "cover"
# ..$ title : chr "I am a Test Workbook"
# ..$ First Section : chr "This is some text."
# ..$ Second Section: chr [1:2] "This is some text." "This is some more text."
# ..$ Third Section : chr [1:3] "This is some text." "This is some more text" "Even more."
# ..$ Fourth Section: chr "This is some text."
# $ Contents:List of 4
# ..$ sheet_type : chr "contents"
# ..$ title : chr "Contents"
# ..$ notes_present: chr "There are notes in this sheet."
# ..$ table :'data.frame': 2 obs. of 2 variables:
# .. ..$ Tab : chr [1:2] "Notes" "Table_1"
# .. ..$ Description: chr [1:2] "The notes page." "The first table [note 5]."
# $ Notes :List of 4
# ..$ sheet_type : chr "notes"
# ..$ title : chr "Notes"
# ..$ notes_present: chr "There are notes in this sheet."
# ..$ table :'data.frame': 2 obs. of 2 variables:
# .. ..$ Note : chr [1:2] "[note 1]" "[note 2]"
# .. ..$ Description: chr [1:2] "This is a note." "This is another note"
# $ Table_1 :List of 10
# ..$ sheet_type : chr "tables"
# ..$ title : chr "The Title 1 [note 3]"
# ..$ subtitle : chr "The subtitle 1"
# ..$ table_count : chr "There is one table in this sheet."
# ..$ notes_present: chr "There are notes in this sheet."
# ..$ x : chr "A custom row"
# ..$ y : chr "Another custom row"
# ..$ custom_3 : chr "A third."
# ..$ source : chr "The source."
# ..$ tables :'data.frame': 5 obs. of 5 variables:
# .. ..$ mpg : num [1:5] 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2
# .. ..$ cyl : chr [1:5] "6" "[note 1]" "4" "4" ...
# .. ..$ disp: num [1:5] 225 360 147 141 168
# .. ..$ hp : num [1:5] 105 245 62 95 123
# .. ..$ drat: num [1:5] 2.76 3.21 3.69 3.92 3.92
# $ Table_2 :List of 7
# ..$ sheet_type : chr "tables"
# ..$ title : chr "The Title 2"
# ..$ subtitle : chr "The subtitle 2"
# ..$ table_count : chr "There are two tables in this sheet."
# ..$ notes_present: chr "There are notes in this sheet."
# ..$ source : chr "The source 2."
# ..$ tables :List of 2
# .. ..$ Subtable 2.1:'data.frame': 5 obs. of 5 variables:
# .. ..$ Subtable 2.2:'data.frame': 5 obs. of 5 variables:
Once we have the blueprint list, we can add spreadsheet structure and style by converting to an {openxlsx2} wbWorkbook-class object:
wb <- generate_workbook(blueprint)
# A Workbook object.
# Worksheets:
# Sheets: Cover, Contents, Notes, Table_1, Table_2
# Write order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
We can then apply some further manipulation to our wbWorkbook-class object to finesse it for our needs. For example, we can set the number format to ‘General’ for Table 1:
wb$add_numfmt(sheet = "Table_1", dims = "A10:E14", numfmt = "General")
And finally we can open a temporary copy of the workbook for inspection:
wb |> openxlsx2::wb_open()
Use openxlsx2::wb_save()
instead to save to disk.
Improvements in {a11ytables2} compared to {a11ytables} include:
- {openxlsx2} for the back-end, rather than {openxlsx}
- greater user control by building up with an
function family - greater flexibility to provide arbitrary pre-table content via
argument - support for multiple tables per sheet
Actively-used packages include:
- {a11ytables} for R
- {rapid.spreadsheets} for R
- ‘gptables’ for Python
Another experimental project that builds on {a11ytables}:
- {yamlsheets} for R