A commandline slicer for belt-style printers utilising CuraEngine.
Ported code from blackbelt slicer by FieldOfView
sudo apt update
sudo apt install \
libgeos-dev \
libblas-dev \
liblapack-dev \
gfortran \
libjpeg-dev \
wget https://github.com/Autodrop3d/BeltEngine/raw/main/dist/belt-engine-0.1.3.tar.gz
conda create -n beltengine python=3.9 --yes
conda activate beltengine
pip3 install ./belt-engine-0.1.3.tar.gz
Visualisation (-v flag) relies on pyglet to function. You can check your current version of OpenGL via glxinfo | grep OpenGL
If you have OpenGL v3.3+ then you can install pyglet by pip3 install pyglet
Otherwise a specific version must be chosen. On my lenovo laptop with linux mint 22 I used pip3 install pyglet==1.5.27
Furthermore, I still had troubles due to a broken linker. This was solved in this stack overflow by:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
The suggested way to install BeltEngine is via Pip however you may need to install additional dependencies in order to get the pip install to succeed.
wget https://github.com/Autodrop3d/BeltEngine/raw/main/dist/belt-engine-0.1.3.tar.gz
pip3 install ./belt-engine-0.1.3.tar.gz
Help Wanted: Please submit a pull request to update these docs if you install BeltEngine on an OS that is not yet documented!
Warning: This is for developers only. Normally you will not need to do this.
- Install poetry in system,
- cd into the project directly and create venv using
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate virtualenv with
source venv/bin/activate
- Run poetry install (this will install development version as executable in the virtualenv. That means you can just change the code and run
and changes will take effect. Usefull for development). I did not test this in rpi (YMMV) - Change the version in pyproject file.
- Run
poetry build
. This will create packages insidedist
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python3 -
source $HOME/.poetry/env
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
poetry build
cd dist
It is recommended to use the script from a python virtual environment. The virtual environment can be created like this:
python3 -m virtualenv ./venv
On Windows, use the following:
python -m virtualenv ./venv
To install the dependencies on Linux, you may need to install libspatialindex with sudo apt install libspatialindex-dev
. Once that is available, the Python requirements can be installed directly using pip.
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
On Windows, it is easier to install some python wheels manually from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/: numpy, scipy, Rtree, Shapely, Pillow, lxxml The rest of the python dependencies can be installed using the same pip command as above.
The basic usage of the script is as follows:
(venv) python3 -m belt_engine.BeltEngine -o output.gcode model.stl
This uses the settings defined in the .def.json files in the resources/definitions
Setting values can be specified in configuration files, or directly on the command-line.
Basic syntax:
(venv) python BeltEngine.py -o output.gcode model.stl -c default.ini
Contents of default.ini
machine_width = 300
machine_depth = 300
layer_height = 0.15
Multiple configuration files can be specified, eg:
(venv) python BeltEngine.py -o output.gcode model.stl -c default.ini -c petg.ini
This way a default profile for a a certain printer type can be created with a smaller profile with just the changes to that printer type needed to print with a certain material.
Configuration files are read "in order", so setting for which values are specified both in default.ini and in petg.ini use the value from petg.ini
Basic syntax:
(venv) python BeltEngine.py -o output.gcode model.stl -s infill_sparse_density=25 -s support_enable=True
Setting values specified on the command line always override what is set in configuration files, even if those configuration files are specified after the command-line value.
(venv) python BeltEngine.py -o output.gcode model.stl -c settings/blackbelt.cfg.ini -c settings/bb_04mm.cfg.ini -s beltengine_gantry_angle=35 -s support_enable=True
python3 -m belt_engine.BeltEngine -o ./output.gcode model.stl -c ./belt_engine/settings/CR30.cfg.ini -s support_enable=True -v
python3 -m belt_engine.BeltEngine -o ./output.gcode model.stl -c ./belt_engine/settings/verttest.cfg.ini -s support_enable=True -v
Development effort sponsored by: Autodrop3d Polar3d