This repository is a collection of methods that can be used to estimate the instantaneous emissions of four air pollutants (CO2, NOx, PM, VOC) starting from the GPS trajectories describing the vehicles' trips.
Note: the methods contained in mobair
mainly rely on the Python libraries scikit-mobility [1] and OSMnx [2].
Böhm, M., Nanni, M. & Pappalardo, L. Gross polluters and vehicle emissions reduction. Nat Sustain (2022).
The code used for the figures of the paper is in notebooks/paper_figures.ipynb
The methods collected in mobair
- trajectory preprocessing (such as trips identification, trajectory filtering);
- speed/acceleration computation: compute the values of speed and acceleration in each point of a trajectory;
- points snapping: match the points to the edges (roads) or nodes (crossroads) of a road network;
- computation of emissions: compute the instantaneous emissions of CO2, NOx, PM, VOC in each point;
- visualize the emissions on the road network.
In order to run the examples, first create and activate a new conda environment through the environment.yml
file, which contains all the required packages:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will create a new conda environment called mobair
, which you can activate with
conda activate mobair
To use it inside jupyter notebook, open a notebook and check if the kernel mobair
is in the kernel list. If not, run the following:
env=$(basename `echo $CONDA_PREFIX`)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name "$env" --display-name "Python ["$env"]"
What follows is the step-by-step procedure for the estimation of the vehicles' emissions starting from their raw mobility trajectories.
After some preprocessing of the trajectory data such as trajectory selection and filtering (for which we remand to the example notebook), we resume the fundamental steps for estimating the emissions in the following.
With the module speed
we can compute the instantaneous speed and acceleration of the vehicle in each of the points forming its trajectory, and then eventually filter out points with unrealistic values.
from mobair import speed
max_speed = 300
max_acc = 10
tdf_with_speed_and_acc = speed.compute_acceleration_from_tdf(tdf)
ftdf = tdf_with_speed_and_acc[(tdf_with_speed_and_acc['acceleration'] < max_acc) &
(tdf_with_speed_and_acc['acceleration'] > -max_acc) &
(tdf_with_speed_and_acc['speed'] < max_speed)]
uid datetime lng lat tid speed acceleration
0 2 2008-02-02 13:37:16 116.37481 39.88782 1 0.000000 0.000000
1 2 2008-02-02 13:38:53 116.37677 39.88791 1 1.727076 0.017805
2 2 2008-02-02 13:42:18 116.38033 39.88795 2 0.000000 0.000000
3 2 2008-02-02 13:43:55 116.39392 39.89014 2 12.214172 0.125919
Now, whether we have the information about each vehicle's engine type or not, we can exploit this information together with a table with emissions functions to estimate the vehicles' instantaneous emissions in each point, with the module emissions
import numpy as np
# in this example, we do not have any information on the vehicles' engines, so we set 5% of the vehicles to be LPG vehicles, 20% to be diesel vehicles, and the rest petrol.
set_uids = set(tdf_with_speed_and_acc.uid)
map__vehicle__fuel_type = {uid : np.random.choice(['PETROL', 'DIESEL', 'LPG'], 1, p=[0.75, 0.2, 0.05]).item() for uid in set_uids}
## loading the emissions functions
import pandas as pd
df_emissions = pd.read_csv('./data/private/emission_functions.csv')
## computing emissions
from mobair import emissions
tdf_with_emissions = emissions.compute_emissions(tdf_with_speed_and_acc, df_emissions, map__vehicle__fuel_type)
uid datetime lng lat tid ... CO_2 NO_x ...
0 2 2008-02-02 13:37:16 116.37481 39.88782 1 ... 0.553000 0.000619 ...
1 2 2008-02-02 13:38:53 116.37677 39.88791 1 ... 0.832964 0.000743 ...
2 2 2008-02-03 10:11:59 116.37018 39.88805 2 ... 0.553000 0.000619 ...
3 2 2008-02-03 10:13:04 116.36677 39.88798 2 ... 1.293148 0.000924 ...
At this point, we can easily aggregate these emissions across the vehicles, for investigating, for example, who emits the most.
With the module mapmatching
and the help of the OSMnx
library, we can download an OpenStreetMap graph describing the road network of the area in which our vehicles travel, and assign each GPS point to its nearest edge (i.e. road) of the network.
import osmnx as ox
# define the neighbourhood
region_name = 'Xicheng District, Beijing'
# getting the network
road_network = ox.graph_from_place(region_name, network_type='drive_service')
# points snapping
from mobair import mapmatching
tdf_matched = mapmatching.find_nearest_edges_in_network(road_network, tdf_with_emissions, return_tdf_with_new_col=True)
uid datetime lng lat tid ... road_link
0 2 2008-02-02 13:37:16 116.37481 39.88782 1 ... (340238739, 1598453917, 0)
1 2 2008-02-02 13:38:53 116.37677 39.88791 1 ... (1598453921, 1599483533, 0)
2 2 2008-02-03 10:11:59 116.37018 39.88805 2 ... (1598453922, 1598453929, 0)
3 2 2008-02-03 10:13:04 116.36677 39.88798 2 ... (322121800, 1598453923, 0)
In such a way, we obtain a new column of the TrajDataFrame
indicating, for each point, the edge to which is has been assigned. The edge is identified by a tuple (u, v, key) indicating the starting (u) and ending (v) nodes of the edge, plus a key that discriminates between edges that have the same u and v (as it can be often the case when dealing with road networks).
At this point, we can aggregate the emissions by road and add these values as new edges' attributes to the road network.
df_emissions_per_road = tdf_with_emissions.groupby('road_link')['CO_2'].sum()
map__road__emissions = df_emissions_per_road.to_dict()
from mobair.utils import add_edge_emissions
road_network = add_edge_emissions(map__road__emissions, road_network, name_of_pollutant='CO_2')
And we can finally use Altair to visualize the road network with the roads colored with respect to the vehicles' emissions they suffer.
from mobair import plot
chart = plot.streetDraw(region_name, road_network, 'CO_2', save_fig=False)
For more detailed examples on how to use the methods of this repository also on open data see example__taxi_Rome.ipynb
and example__taxi_Beijing.ipynb
(using a sample of taxis' trajectories from [3] and [4], respectively) in the notebooks
We thank Giuliano Cornacchia, Vasiliki Voukelatou, Massimiliano Luca, and Giovanni Mauro for the useful suggestions. Special thanks to Daniele Fadda for the precious support with data visualization. M.B. also thank Patricio Reyes for the constant support. This study has been supported by EU H2020 project Track&Know (Grant Agreement 780754), EU H2020 project SoBigData++ RI (Grant Agreement 871042), and EU H2020 project HumanE AI Network (Grant Agreement 952026).
[1] Luca Pappalardo, Filippo Simini, Gianni Barlacchi and Roberto Pellungrini. scikit-mobility: a Python library for the analysis, generation and risk assessment of mobility data, 2019,
[2] Boeing, G. 2017. "OSMnx: New Methods for Acquiring, Constructing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Complex Street Networks." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 65, 126-139. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2017.05.004
[3] Lorenzo Bracciale, Marco Bonola, Pierpaolo Loreti, Giuseppe Bianchi, Raul Amici, Antonello Rabuffi, CRAWDAD dataset roma/taxi (v. 2014‑07‑17), downloaded from,, Jul 2014.
[4] Jing Yuan, Yu Zheng, Chengyang Zhang, Wenlei Xie, Xing Xie, Guangzhong Sun, and Yan Huang. T-drive: driving directions based on taxi trajectories. In Proceedings of the 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, GIS ’10, pages 99-108, New York, NY, USA,2010. ACM.