- Manchester
- https://mattgrayisok.com
- @mattgrayisok
KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane software that runs and manages databases, message queues and other stateful applications on K8s.
reliable fake and temp email filter solution for site operators
Collection of Dockerfiles for Percona software. See individual directories for more details.
🛡️ Open-source and next-generation Web Application Firewall (WAF)
High-performance WAF built on the OpenResty stack
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Apex Logs integration for the Node.js Winston logging framework
An RFC compliant and ESI capable HTTP cache for Nginx / OpenResty, backed by Redis
A tool to sync images from one container registry to another
A beautiful, fully open-source, tunneling service - written in pure PHP
Serverless image optimizer for S3, Lambda, and Cloudfront
Source for Google Click to Deploy solutions listed on Google Cloud Marketplace.
Example of MariaDB Galera init container for Kubernetes StatefulSet
Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container
🐳 Dockerized SSH bastion to proxy SSH connections to arbitrary containers.
PHP Backup Utility - Creates and encrypts database and file backups, syncs your backups to other servers or cloud services and assists you monitor your backup process
DockStation is developer-centric application to managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers using just a GUI.
Nginx as reverse proxy using redis as cache engine
🚀✨ Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt
nginx module which adds ability to purge content from FastCGI, proxy, SCGI and uWSGI caches.
nginx module which support to purge ngx_http_(fastcgi|proxy|scgi|uwsgi)_module cache backend
Nginx Block Bad Bots, Spam Referrer Blocker, Vulnerability Scanners, User-Agents, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Malicious Sites, with anti-DDOS, Wordpress Theme Detector Blocking and Fail2Ban Jail f…
Node JS module for creating an SFTP server that uses S3 for file storage.
Example recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies that you can just copy paste