is a PowerShell
script that silently & automatically interacts with a Chromium browser instance via the DevTools Protocol,
to sniff out WebSocket messages from the KICK Chat and use them to trigger TTS messages, and Channel Commands.
Open the Windows Command Prompt and supply the username and browser to use: KICKstand.cmd <username> <browser>
KICKstand.cmd mattseabrook brave
Working theory for the prototype is to run a browser in headless mode in the background to intercept WebSocket network frames to get the chat messages:
REM Open a WebSocket connection to the DevTools Protocol on the port specified in the --remote-debugging-port flag. You can use a tool like ncat to do this:
ncat.exe localhost 9222
REM See if the headless browser is running
netstat -ano | findstr ":9222"
Then you supply it JSON via ncat:
{"id": 1, "method": "Network.enable", "params": {}}
{"id": 2, "method": "Network.setMonitoringXHREnabled", "params": {"enabled": true}}
{"id": 3, "method": "Network.webSocketFrameReceived", "params": {"pattern": "wss://**"}}
Query it:
curl -s http://localhost:9222/json | jq -r ".[0].webSocketDebuggerUrl" | xargs -I {} curl -s {} | jq -r ".result.title"
Using the Pusher js library.
Sample WebSocket message:
"event": "App\\Events\\ChatMessageSentEvent",
"data": {
"message": {
"id": "48b77917-9cc6-4fd3-9a9c-e62dd89a95e2",
"message": "I SAW THAT :) :) :)\u00a0",
"type": "",
"replied_to": null,
"is_info": null,
"link_preview": null,
"chatroom_id": "259821",
"role": null,
"created_at": 1677379978,
"action": null,
"optional_message": null,
"months_subscribed": 0,
"subscriptions_count": null,
"giftedUsers": null
"user": {
"id": 242977,
"username": "Luwu",
"role": null,
"isSuperAdmin": false,
"verified": false,
"follower_badges": [
"is_subscribed": false,
"months_subscribed": 0,
"quantity_gifted": 0
"channel": "chatrooms.259821"
URL: /api/v1/user
Method: GET
Property | Type | Description |
id | number | The unique identifier of the user. |
username | string | The username of the user. |
risk_level_id | null or number | The risk level of the user. If the value is null, it means that the user does not have a specified risk level. |
bio | string | The user's bio, which can contain information about their interests, activities, or other relevant details. |
year_started_trading | null or number | The year the user started trading. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a year. |
country | string | The country where the user is located. |
state | string | The state where the user is located. |
city | string | The city where the user is located. |
enable_live_notifications | boolean | Indicates whether the user has enabled live notifications for their channel. |
string | The user's Instagram username. | |
string | The user's Twitter username. | |
youtube | string | The user's YouTube username. |
discord | string | The user's Discord username. |
tiktok | string | The user's TikTok username. |
string | The user's Facebook username. | |
enable_onscreen_live_notifications | boolean | Indicates whether the user has enabled on-screen live notifications for their channel. |
profilepic | string | The URL of the user's profile picture. |
is_2fa_setup | boolean | Indicates whether the user has set up two-factor authentication. |
redirect | null | Not used. |
channel_can_be_updated | boolean | Indicates whether the user's channel can be updated. |
is_live | boolean | Indicates whether the user is currently live streaming. |
roles | array | An array of the user's roles. | | number | The unique identifier of the user's streamer channel. |
streamer_channel.user_id | number | The unique identifier of the user associated with the streamer channel. |
streamer_channel.slug | string | The URL slug for the user's streamer channel. |
streamer_channel.playback_url | string | The playback URL for the user's streamer channel. |
streamer_channel.name_updated_at | null | Not used. |
streamer_channel.vod_enabled | boolean | Indicates whether video on demand is enabled for the user's streamer channel. |
streamer_channel.subscription_enabled | boolean | Indicates whether subscriptions are enabled for the user's streamer channel. |
Sample Response:
"id": 262331,
"username": "mattseabrook",
"risk_level_id": null,
"bio": "Matt & Megan Seabrook's Variety Stream - Retro Video Games, Art, and Software Development",
"year_started_trading": null,
"country": "",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"enable_live_notifications": true,
"instagram": "matthewseabrook",
"twitter": "",
"youtube": "",
"discord": "",
"tiktok": "mattseabrook",
"facebook": "",
"enable_onscreen_live_notifications": true,
"profilepic": "https:\/\/\/images\/user\/262331\/profile_image\/conversion\/be1cdc95-f519-4a84-869c-08aaa6250501-medium.webp",
"is_2fa_setup": false,
"redirect": null,
"channel_can_be_updated": true,
"is_live": true,
"roles": [],
"streamer_channel": {
"id": 259825,
"user_id": 262331,
"slug": "mattseabrook",
"playback_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/video\/v1\/",
"name_updated_at": null,
"vod_enabled": true,
"subscription_enabled": false
URL: /api/v1/channels/mattseabrook
Method: GET
curl '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer x' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Cookie: cf_clearance=x' \
-H 'Referer:' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' \
-H 'Sec-GPC: 1' \
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \
-H 'X-Socket-ID: 18443.547130' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: x' \
-H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.8' \
--compressed is the integer value used by other API end-points, such as to retrieve the current viewer count:
"livestream": {
"id": 202501,
"slug": "1b5ac-building-a-kick-bot-tts-and-chat-for-now-updated-bios-in-about-section-look-below-follow-us",
"channel_id": 259825,
"created_at": "2023-02-26 01:27:10",
"session_title": "Building a KICK bot (TTS and Chat for now) | UPDATED BIOs in ABOUT section look below | FOLLOW US",
"is_live": true,
"risk_level_id": null,
"source": "obs",
"twitch_channel": null,
"duration": 0,
"language": "English",
"is_mature": false,
"viewer_count": 7,
"thumbnail": {
"responsive": "https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_1920_1080.webp 1920w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_1606_903.webp 1606w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_1344_756.webp 1344w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_1124_632.webp 1124w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_940_529.webp 940w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_787_443.webp 787w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_658_370.webp 658w, https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/responsives\/thumb34___video_thumbnail_550_309.webp 550w, data:image\/svg+xml;base64,...",
"url": "https:\/\/\/thumbnails\/livestream\/202501\/thumb34\/video_thumbnail\/thumb34.jpg"
"viewers": 7,
"categories": [
"id": 34,
"category_id": 5,
"name": "Software Development",
"slug": "software-development",
"tags": [
"description": null,
"deleted_at": null,
"category": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Creative",
"slug": "creative",
"icon": "\ud83c\udfa8"
"tags": []
Returns an array of channel data, each with the following properties:
URL: /api/v1/channels/followed
Method: GET
Property | Type | Description |
id | number | The unique identifier of the channel. |
user_id | number | The unique identifier of the user associated with the channel. |
slug | string | The URL slug for the channel. |
playback_url | string | The playback URL for the channel. |
name_updated_at | null | Not used. |
vod_enabled | boolean | Indicates whether video on demand is enabled for the channel. |
subscription_enabled | boolean | Indicates whether subscriptions are enabled for the channel. | | number | The unique identifier of the user associated with the channel. |
user.username | string | The username of the user associated with the channel. |
user.risk_level_id | null or number | The risk level of the user associated with the channel. If the value is null, it means that the user does not have a specified risk level. | | null or string | The user's bio, which can contain information about their interests, activities, or other relevant details. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a bio. |
user.year_started_trading | null or number | The year the user started trading. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a year. | | null or string | The country where the user is located. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a country. |
user.state | null or string | The state where the user is located. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a state. | | null or string | The city where the user is located. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a city. |
user.instagram | null or string | The user's Instagram username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified an Instagram username. |
user.twitter | null or string | The user's Twitter username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a Twitter username. | | null or string | The user's YouTube username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a YouTube username. |
user.discord | null or string | The user's Discord username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a Discord username. |
user.tiktok | null or string | The user's TikTok username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a TikTok username. |
user.facebook | null or string | The user's Facebook username. If the value is null, it means that the user has not specified a Facebook username. |
user.profilepic | string | The URL of the user's profile picture. | | number | The unique identifier of the most recent livestream for the channel. |
recent_livestream.slug | string | The title of the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.channel_id | number | The unique identifier of the channel associated with the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.channel_id | number | The unique identifier of the channel associated with the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.created_at | string | The date and time that the most recent livestream was created, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. |
recent_livestream.session_title | string | The title of the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.is_live | boolean | Indicates whether the most recent livestream is currently live. |
recent_livestream.risk_level_id | null or number | The risk level of the most recent livestream. If the value is null, it means that the livestream does not have a specified risk level. |
recent_livestream.source | string | The source of the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.twitch_channel | null | Not used. |
recent_livestream.duration | number | The duration of the most recent livestream, in milliseconds. |
recent_livestream.language | string | The language of the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.is_mature | boolean | Indicates whether the most recent livestream is marked as mature. |
recent_livestream.viewer_count | null | Not used. | | number | The unique identifier of the category associated with the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.categories.category_id | number | The unique identifier of the parent category associated with the category of the most recent livestream. | | string | The name of the category associated with the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.categories.slug | string | The URL slug for the category associated with the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.categories.tags | array | An array of tags associated with the category of the most recent livestream. |
recent_livestream.categories.description | null | Not used. |
recent_livestream.categories.deleted_at | null | Not used. |
current_livestream | null | Not used. |
Sample Response: |
"id": 999,
"user_id": 888,
"slug": "trainwreckstv",
"playback_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/video\/v1\/",
"name_updated_at": null,
"vod_enabled": true,
"subscription_enabled": true,
"user": {
"id": 888,
"username": "Trainwreckstv",
"risk_level_id": null,
"bio": null,
"year_started_trading": null,
"country": null,
"state": null,
"city": null,
"instagram": "madeupdata",
"twitter": "madeupdata",
"youtube": "madeupdata",
"discord": null,
"tiktok": null,
"facebook": null,
"profilepic": "https:\/\/\/images\/user\/888\/profile_image\/conversion\/madeupdata-thumb.webp"
"recent_livestream": {
"id": 777,
"slug": "madeupdata",
"channel_id": 999,
"created_at": "2023-02-09 00:42:21",
"session_title": "madeupdata",
"is_live": false,
"risk_level_id": null,
"source": "madeupdata",
"twitch_channel": null,
"duration": 28600000,
"language": "madeupdata",
"is_mature": true,
"viewer_count": null,
"categories": [
"id": 28,
"category_id": 4,
"name": "madeupdata",
"slug": "madeupdata",
"tags": [
"description": null,
"deleted_at": null
"current_livestream": null
URL: /api/v1/current-viewers?ids[]=151368
Method: GET
- Where does this ID come from?
Fetches platform data for the top categories.
URL: /api/v1/categories-top
Method: GET
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer | The unique identifier of the subcategory |
category_id | integer | The identifier of the parent category |
name | string | The name of the subcategory |
slug | string | The URL-friendly version of the subcategory name |
tags | array of strings | The tags associated with the subcategory |
description | string, null | The description of the subcategory, or null if none exists |
deleted_at | datetime, null | The time that the subcategory was deleted, or null if it has not been deleted |
banner.src | string | The URL of the subcategory banner image |
banner.srcset | string | The URL and size of the subcategory banner image in various resolutions |
viewers | integer | The current number of viewers in the subcategory | | integer | The unique identifier of the parent category | | string | The name of the parent category |
category.slug | string | The URL-friendly version of the parent category name |
category.icon | string | The emoji icon associated with the parent category |
Sample Response:
"id": 15,
"category_id": 2,
"name": "Just Chatting",
"slug": "just-chatting",
"tags": [
"description": null,
"deleted_at": null,
"banner": {
"src": "https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/conversion\/just-chatting-banner.webp",
"srcset": "https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_600_800.webp 600w, https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_501_668.webp 501w, https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_420_560.webp 420w, https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_351_468.webp 351w, https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_294_392.webp 294w, https:\/\/\/images\/subcategories\/15\/banner\/responsives\/just-chatting___banner_245_327.webp 245w, data:image\/svg+xml;base64,PCFET0NUWVBFIHN2ZyBQVUJMSUMgIi0vL1czQy8vRFREIFNWRyAxLjEvL0VOIiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvR3JhcGhpY3MvU1ZHLzEuMS9EVEQvc3ZnMTEuZHRkIj4KPHN2ZyB2ZXJzaW9uPSIxLjEiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyIgeG1sbnM6eGxpbms9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzE5OTkveGxpbmsiIHhtbDpzcGFjZT0icHJlc2VydmUiIHg9IjAiCiB5PSIwIiB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgNjAwIDgwMCI+Cgk8aW1hZ2Ugd2lkdGg9IjYwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSI4MDAiIHhsaW5rOmhyZWY9ImRhdGE6aW1hZ2UvanBlZztiYXNlNjQsLzlqLzRBQVFTa1pKUmdBQkFRRUFZQUJnQUFELy9nQTdRMUpGUVZSUFVqb2daMlF0YW5CbFp5QjJNUzR3SUNoMWMybHVaeUJKU2tjZ1NsQkZSeUIyT0RBcExDQnhkV0ZzYVhSNUlEMGdPVEFLLzlzQVF3QURBZ0lEQWdJREF3TURCQU1EQkFVSUJRVUVCQVVLQndjR0NBd0tEQXdMQ2dzTERRNFNFQTBPRVE0TEN4QVdFQkVURkJVVkZRd1BGeGdXRkJnU0ZCVVUvOXNBUXdFREJBUUZCQVVKQlFVSkZBMExEUlFVRkJRVUZCUVVGQlFVRkJRVUZCUVVGQlFVRkJRVUZCUVVGQlFVRkJRVUZCUVVGQlFVRkJRVUZCUVVGQlFVRkJRVS84QUFFUWdBS3dBZ0F3RWlBQUlSQVFNUkFmL0VBQjhBQUFFRkFRRUJBUUVCQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFCQWdNRUJRWUhDQWtLQy8vRUFMVVFBQUlCQXdNQ0JBTUZCUVFFQUFBQmZRRUNBd0FFRVFVU0lURkJCaE5SWVFjaWNSUXlnWkdoQ0NOQ3NjRVZVdEh3SkROaWNvSUpDaFlYR0JrYUpTWW5LQ2txTkRVMk56ZzVPa05FUlVaSFNFbEtVMVJWVmxkWVdWcGpaR1ZtWjJocGFuTjBkWFozZUhsNmc0U0Zob2VJaVlxU2s1U1ZscGVZbVpxaW82U2xwcWVvcWFxeXM3UzF0cmU0dWJyQ3c4VEZ4c2ZJeWNyUzA5VFYxdGZZMmRyaDR1UGs1ZWJuNk9ucThmTHo5UFgyOS9qNSt2L0VBQjhCQUFNQkFRRUJBUUVCQVFFQUFBQUFBQUFCQWdNRUJRWUhDQWtLQy8vRUFMVVJBQUlCQWdRRUF3UUhCUVFFQUFFQ2R3QUJBZ01SQkFVaE1RWVNRVkVIWVhFVElqS0JDQlJDa2FHeHdRa2pNMUx3RldKeTBRb1dKRFRoSmZFWEdCa2FKaWNvS1NvMU5qYzRPVHBEUkVWR1IwaEpTbE5VVlZaWFdGbGFZMlJsWm1kb2FXcHpkSFYyZDNoNWVvS0RoSVdHaDRpSmlwS1RsSldXbDVpWm1xS2pwS1dtcDZpcHFyS3p0TFcydDdpNXVzTER4TVhHeDhqSnl0TFQxTlhXMTlqWjJ1TGo1T1htNStqcDZ2THo5UFgyOS9qNSt2L2FBQXdEQVFBQ0VRTVJBRDhBdGZGNUJlK0g1WEErWWpBelh6dDRLMVVlRTlmQ05JTXl0eml2WHZpdjQ0VVFQYllBQkZmTGsycHpmOEpRc3U3S2J2V29yMGVTWHMwenJ3cjVGek05ditKUGpTQld0NExkdDhrcEJPSzlzK0ZiTkpvMXJLM0IyQ3ZqeTl2QnFIaUczd3hjTGl2cUg0U2E1TWx0RkE0ekdCeFhCR2kzTGtXNTIxcCswWE1qNW0rT0d0NmkrdG1PTjJSUFd2TS9EczgwdXNLa3JsOG12Y3ZqWDRaa3ZQM3NLWlk4Y0NzLzRXL3M4YXpxc2NlcHRBeFRPUnhYMG1JamFiUEppbTJZZW1hZXVtNm1KcHhrTjByNkQrSGVveHBCR0VPQ2VsWUd1ZkJQVlhsalpvZGtjZkpKRlNXVHA0Y3VVaXo5d1lPSzh5aFNrNjNOMFBUbEtLcDJQWXo0RzhPNnhBalhjb0RkY0d2UU5FdWRHOE1hR3R0YU1oQ2pnWXJ5TGV3WWNtcjBic1JqY2NWOVBMRFJscTJRc09ybnFTNnBwbmlDRm9yaGxqRERHUlhIYTE4TGZEelJTVEpLR2NuUEpyQVdWMGI1V0kraHFacm1Wb2VaR1A0MUVjS283TXQwVmZSbi85az0iPgoJPC9pbWFnZT4KPC9zdmc+ 32w"
"viewers": 13447,
"category": {
"id": 2,
"name": "IRL",
"slug": "irl",
"icon": "\ud83c\udf99\ufe0f"
Obtain the current top streams in a particular category
Method: GET
Parameter | Type | Description |
category | string | Optional. Filters the results by category. Possible values are: "games", "irl", "music" , "gambling" , "creative" |
sort | string | Optional. Sorts the results by the specified field. Known possible values are: "featured". |
JSON POST request
URL: /api/v1/chat-messages
Method: POST
Property | Type | Description |
chatroom_id | integer | The ID of the chatroom associated with the message |
type | string | The type of the message, if available |
message | string | The text of the message |
created_at | integer | The Unix timestamp when the message was created |
id | string | The unique identifier of the message |
reactions | array | An array of reactions (emotes) associated with the message |
emotes | array | An array of emotes associated with the message |
"chatroom_id": 259821,
"user": {
"id": 262331,
"username": "mattseabrook",
"risk_level_id": null,
"bio": "Matt & Megan Seabrook's Variety Stream - Retro Video Games, Art, and Software Development",
"year_started_trading": null,
"country": "",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"enable_live_notifications": true,
"instagram": "matthewseabrook",
"twitter": "",
"youtube": "",
"discord": "",
"tiktok": "mattseabrook",
"facebook": "",
"enable_onscreen_live_notifications": true,
"profilepic": "",
"is_2fa_setup": false,
"redirect": null,
"channel_can_be_updated": true,
"is_live": false,
"roles": [],
"streamer_channel": {
"id": 259825,
"user_id": 262331,
"slug": "mattseabrook",
"playback_url": "",
"name_updated_at": null,
"vod_enabled": true,
"subscription_enabled": false
"role": "Channel Host",
"verified": null,
"profile_thumb": "",
"isSuperAdmin": false,
"is_subscribed": null,
"follower_badges": [],
"months_subscribed": 0
"type": null,
"message": "Test",
"created_at": 1676794478,
"id": "temp_1676794478542",
"reactions": [],
"emotes": []