IMPORTANT NOTE: For this project to work on your machine you must manually add the "com.ptc.vuforia.engine-10.15.4.tgz" file under "ARapp/Packages"
(I'm using an older webcam to imitate a phone camera, which is why the video feed is a bit laggy)
Ability to scan a marker, which updates the players score and logs the markers name
Each marker will only give points once, as there is a check for duplicates before points are added
For testing & prototyping there is a "Reset" button in the main scene, this will reset all logged markers
In the "FoundMarkers" scene, markers that the player found are dynamically displayed
- This can be tested by clicking Reset, checking the "FoundMarkers" scene, then going back to the "Main" scene and scanning a marker and going back to "FoundMarkers" Scene
Highscore Table is displayed in the "scoreboard" scene and can be accessed by clicking the "Scoreboard"-Button in the MainScene
- The table is currently filled with dummy data and the player data (name: Player, score is updated by the actual score)
- For the final product we would use online data from actual players for the Highscore Tableplayers