Atelier Stoilkovits
- Porto Heli, GREECE
- https://atelierstoilkovits.com
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Starred repositories
a simple 2D game purely written in PureBasic with double buffering for the illusion of movement
maxbyz / awesome-uses
Forked from wesbos/awesome-usesA list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
voku / phpstan-dba
Forked from staabm/phpstan-dbadatabase handling related class reflection extension for PHPStan & framework-specific rules
voku / awesome-uses
Forked from wesbos/awesome-usesA list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
voku / urlify
Forked from jbroadway/urlifyπ URLify - Convert any string into a valid and readable string for usage in the URL.
voku / phpseclib
Forked from phpseclib/phpseclibPHP Secure Communications Library
voku / opentrans
Forked from sveneisenschmidt/opentransAllows to read, create and write OpenTRANS compatible documents from PHP
CssToInlineStyles is a class that enables you to convert HTML-pages/files into HTML-pages/files with inline styles. This is very usefull when you're sending emails.
A boilerplate with focus on atomic design principles
Apache HTTP server boilerplate configs
voku / html5-boilerplate
Forked from h5bp/html5-boilerplateA professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
Your unofficial guide to doing dotfiles on GitHub.
voku / zend-currency
Forked from zf1/zend-currencyZend Framework 1 Currency package
Phonetic-Algorithms for fuzzy searching | PHP
voku / pagination
Forked from dcblogdev/paginationπ A simple PHP lib: Pagination, without (database) dependencies
voku / PHP-CS-Fixer
Forked from PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-FixerA tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
This Geolocation PHP class connects to Google Maps API to find latitude/longitude or the address.
voku / phpstorm-stubs
Forked from JetBrains/phpstorm-stubsPHP runtime & extensions header files for PhpStorm
voku / doc-en
Forked from php/doc-enExperimental Git mirror of the English PHP documentation repository. Accepts pull requests. May be force-pushed in the future.
voku / httpful
Forked from nategood/httpfulπ― Http Client for PHP: A Chainable, REST Friendly Wrapper for cURL.
voku / phpdoc-parser
Forked from phpstan/phpdoc-parserNext-gen phpDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics
π₯ PHPDoctor: Check files, full directories or strings for missing or bad PHPDoc types.
An implementation of a generic collection for PHP