El propósito de este proyecto consiste en generar los objetos kubernetes en base a la imagen del nodo del repositorio oficial botpress para el despliegue sobre las plataformas de contenedores por medio de pipelines Tekton.
Se verifico el funcionamiento en Sandbox RedHat OpenShift Dedicated (Openshift 4.14.1).
- Ingresar a tu Sandbox y abrir una terminal web desde la consola de openshift seleccionando en el namespace asignado y ejecutar el siguiente comando para la creación del pipeline tekton
oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maximilianoPizarro/botpress-server-v12/master/k8s/pipeline.yaml
Output: bash-4.4 ~ $ oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maximilianoPizarro/botpress-server-v12/master/k8s/pipeline.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/botpress-workspace created pipeline.tekton.dev/botpress-server created
- Desde la sección de Pipelines actualizar Parameters con los siguientes parametros con el valor de correspondiente
Output: IMAGE_NAME=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/maximilianopizarro5-dev/botpress-server EXTERNAL_URL=botpress-server-maximilianopizarro5-dev.apps.sandbox-m2.ll9k.p1.openshiftapps.com
- Desde Pipeline builder instalar y agregar la tasks yq. Importante: no guardar el cambio en pipeline, seleccionar cancelar para que no se actualice el pipeline con yq vacio, ejecutar los pasos 0 y 1 para reconfigurar el pipeline con los valores por defecto.
- Ejecutar el pipeline botpress-server con el PVC seleccionado
- Desde Topology escalar el Deployment a 1 replica
- Ingresar a los logs y verificar que se encuentre operativo, copiar la url y acceder desde el navegador.
Nota: el dns por wildcard que genera openshift pude tener una longitud maxima de 63 caracteres, regenerarlo manualmente de ser necesario apuntando al servicio de botpress-server puerto TCP 3000
Botpress — The building blocks for building chatbots
IMPORTANT: With the launch of Botpress Cloud, the documentation for Botpress v12 can now be found here.
Botpress is the standard developer stack to build, run, and improve conversational AI applications. Powered by natural language understanding, a messaging API, and a fully featured studio, Botpress allows developers and conversation designers around the globe to build remarkable chatbots without compromise.
The fastest & easiest way to get started with Botpress is by signing up for free to Botpress Cloud. Alternatively, continue reading for more information about Botpress v12.
Out of the box, Botpress v12 includes:
- Administration panel to orchestrate and monitor your chatbots
- Conversation Studio to design a conversation, manage content, code custom integration
- Easy integration with messaging channels (Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, Teams, Webchat, Telegram, SMS & more)
- Natural Language Understanding
- Complete list of features and specs here
There are a few ways to get started with Botpress v12:
Download the latest binary for your OS here and follow the installation docs.
Use the official Docker image and follow the hosting docs
Run from sources, follow build docs
Deploy it in the cloud using these shortlinks:
- Discord - Get community support and find answers to your questions
- Issues - Report bugs and file feature requests
- Blog - How to's, case studies, and announcements
- Contributing - Start contributing to Botpress
- Partners - List of agencies who can help you with Botpress
Botpress is dual-licensed under AGPLv3 and the Botpress Proprietary License.
By default, any bot created with Botpress is licensed under AGPLv3, but you may change to the Botpress License from within your bot's web interface in a few clicks.
For more information about how the dual-license works and why it works that way, please see the FAQS.
helm install botpress-server botpress
- uninstall
helm uninstall botpress-server