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Tags: maxr96/ArTEMiS



Toggle 3.0.3's commit message
2 bugfixes: delete course, remove quiz exercise from schedule service…

… correctly if it was deleted


Toggle 3.0.2's commit message
Bugfixes and Performance Improvements


Toggle 3.0.1's commit message
remove double colon

Signed-off-by: Stephan Krusche <[email protected]>


Toggle 3.0.0's commit message
avoid notifications for quiz updates before release date, fix issue i…

…n quiz generation when title is undefined

Signed-off-by: Stephan Krusche <[email protected]>


Toggle 2.9.0's commit message
Small improvements of modeling exercises (ls1intum#311)

* load submissions of participations eagerly to prevent additional database calls
* show name of the user that currently has the lock for an assessment
* scroll to top that the user recognizes the response message after submitting the assessment of an example submission
* do not set input model of Apollon upon saving to prevent popups from closing
* also display children of selected elements in assessment result view
* add instruction to example assessment view


Toggle 2.8.1's commit message
Improvements for tutor dashboard (ls1intum#291)

* display massage indicating that submission is locked
* delete corresponding submission when deleting example submission
* fix more efficient loading of submitted submissions without result
* prevent errors when no feedbacks exist
* load next optimal submission upon starting new assessment to prevent opening assessment editor for locked submission
* prevent error when there are no complaints
* disable Compass
* handle case when starting assessment in exercise dashboard but no submissions waiting for assessment available
* fix 'assess next submission' button when diagram type is not supported by Compass
* fix redirect when no submission is loaded
* adjust transactions to prevent example solution and explanation from getting removed from the exercise


Toggle 2.8.0's commit message
fix problem with finding submissions for tutors to be assessed

Signed-off-by: Stephan Krusche <[email protected]>


Toggle 2.7.0's commit message
fix some bugs and make the user experience in exercise details more c…


Signed-off-by: Stephan Krusche <[email protected]>


Toggle 2.6.0's commit message
Merge branch 'develop' into release/2.6.0


Toggle 2.5.0's commit message
hide language menu for production build

Signed-off-by: Stephan Krusche <[email protected]>