simple web frontend for configuring road warrior peers within a WireGuard configuration file
DBFace is a real-time, single-stage detector for face detection, with faster speed and higher accuracy
An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus.
Python utilities for interacting with J1939 and J1939 networks
STM32H7B0VBT6 Core Board 280Mhz,128KB ROM,1.4M SRAM
linux-automation / candleLight
Forked from HubertD/candleLightstm32f0 usb can adapter (KiCAD)
Partial Lawicel/SLCAN implementation at 1 Mb/s CAN speed and 460800 UART baud rate
RIT-EVT / slcanuino
Forked from kahiroka/slcanuinoUSB-CAN(SocketCAN) sketch for Arduino CAN-BUS shield
CanHacker (lawicel) CAN adapter on Arduino + MCP2515
USB-CAN(SocketCAN) sketch for Arduino CAN-BUS shield
Tool to monitor a CAN bus with an ELM327 chip, producing WebSocket + CAN-ETH outputs & pcap log
ESP_Insights component example using arduino-esp32 framework
The Three channel CAN board for Network integration Solutions
Alternative Firmware for the chinese clone of ucds adapter which is available on aliexpress
🚛 Awesome CAN bus tools, hardware and resources for Cyber Security Researchers, Reverse Engineers, and Automotive Electronics Enthusiasts.