ROS implemantation for a mobile manipulator. The manipulator is a combination of the Clearpath boxer and a Franka Emika Panda manipulator.
Install missing dependency trac_ik_lib:
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-trac-ik-kinematics-plugin
sudo apt-get update
The repository provides four packages for ros melodic.
- mobile_manipulator : urdf files and setup for gazebo
- mobile_control : controllers
- mobile_navigation : navigation stack for ros
- mobile_moveit : moveit connfiguration for the manipulator
Currently, the gazebo setup is possible with different control modes for the panda manipulator. Control of the model in gazebo are able via a normal gamecontroller. The motion of the base can be controlled using the move_base action client. Plans can be made using the rviz interface.
In the current state, the mobile_moveit package is not working properly.
There are multiple control modes for the panda manipulator: Two different implementation of PositionControl and VelocityControl. The more stable position control mode relies on an implentation from panda_simulation. This package must be installed in the catkin_workspace.
Launch the gazebo simulation
roslaunch mobile_manipulator mmrobot_gazebo.launch
Launch the navigation stack for the mobile base (the boxer)
roslaunch mobile_navigation mmrobot_navigation.launch
Launch the navigation stack for the manipulator (the panda)
roslaunch mobile_moveit planning_execution.launch
Testing from scripts in mobile_control/scrpts is also possible after launching the files above. In particular, you can control the arm to a desired pose:
rosrun mobile_control
Or test the gripper which closes and re-opens after 3s:
rosrun mobile_control
In some cases it is useful to test the controller with a game controller. It has to be plugged in before you start the roscore node.
roslaunch mobile_manipulator mmrobot_gazebo.launch panda_hi:="VelocityJointInterface" boxer_control_mode:="diff_drive"
roslaunch mobile_navigation teleop.launch