LibOrbisPkg Public
Library, GUI, CLI for creating, inspecting, and modifying PS4 PKG, SFO, PFS, and related filetypes
gamepad-midi Public
Xbox 360 RB3 Keytar / Drum Kit to MIDI translator
LibForge Public
Tools and documentation for creating custom content for Harmonix games, including RB4 on PS4, and Fuser
GameArchives Public
A C# library for reading several video game archive formats, and a sample file explorer.
fuser-util Public
C++ code to deal with FUSER file types
makemogg Public
A tool to make and encrypt mogg files.
DtxCS Public
A C# library to parse and interpret the data-driven scripting language used in Harmonix games
nghttp3 Public
Forked from ngtcp2/nghttp3HTTP/3 library written in C
nkxtract Public
Extracts NKX Monolith files
rb-bot Public
Plays Rock Band and maybe other rhythm games automatically.
Jam.NET Public
A compatible client for content from the Jammit® app.
MidiCS Public
A C# library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files (SMF)
GHLiveUtil Public
A project that was supposed to do something with Guitar Hero Live but I stopped working on it in February 2016
BFForever Public
Forked from PikminGuts92/BFForeverBFForever is an open-source library for managing and creating game files from the short-lived BandFuse video game which released for PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles in November 2013.
retdec-idaplugin Public
Forked from avast/retdec-idapluginIDA plugin for RetDec.
xenia Public
Forked from xenia-project/xeniaXbox 360 Emulator Research Project
chip8 Public
My take on a chip-8 emulator in ES6
vgmstream Public
Forked from vgmstream/vgmstreamGit clone of the vgmstream - A library for playback of various streamed audio formats used in video games.
MakePFS Public
Unmaintained and incorrect - use LibOrbisPkg instead
PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC Public
Forked from Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC -