- 💼 I'm serving as a research intern at Weixin Group, Tencent, focusing on personalized search & recommendation. I'm also pursing my P.h.D degree in Beijing University of Posts and Telecomunications, working as a research assistant in the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Additionally, I'm also serving as Adviser at multiple organizations and User Group Volunteer at AWS.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on machine learning and deep learning methods for intelligent transportation systems. I’m generally interested in travel time estimation, traffic flow prediction based on spatio-temporal data and methods and transporation mode detection. Specially, I'm mainly focusing on data mining techniques for time series data and non-Euclidean structure data (e.g. attention-based methods or graph neural networks etc.).
- 📫 How to reach me: Please feel free to contact me with maxwang967 (at) gmail.com.
- I'm currently focusing on personalized search based on meta learning.
- I'm currently focusing on en route travel time estimation based on attention based mechanism. Please feel free to discuss technical issues with me by maxwang967 (at) gmail.com.