imgur script by Bart Nagel , acelan, maxwux version 7 Bart Nagel release this into the public domain. Do with it what you will.
Required: curl
Optional: xsel or xclip for automatically putting the URLs on the X selection for easy pasting
Put it somewhere in your path and maybe rename it:
mv ~/Downloads/ ~/bin/
Make it executable:
chmod +x ~/bin/
Optional, since Alan kindly provided an API key for this script: stick your API key in the top:
vim ~/bin/
Upload an image: images/hilarious/manfallingover.jpg
Upload multiple images: images/delicious/cake.png images/exciting/bungeejump.jpg
The URLs will be displayed (and the delete page's URLs will be displayed on stderr). If you have xsel or xclip the URLs will also be put on the X selection, which you can usually paste with a ctrl v.