Note: Please fork the current Udacity repository so that you will have a remote repository in your Github account. Clone the remote repository to your local machine. Later, as a part of the project "Post your Work on Github", you will push your proposed changes to the remote repository in your Github account.
Include the date you created this project and README file. Created on: Jan 28, 2023
Bikeshare Project (part of the Data Scientist Nanodegree)
Reads bike sharing data of one of 3 cities (Chicago, New York, or Washington) and provides a number of statistics.
bikeshare_2 - - the main file; contains the main code, as well as a number of helper functions - class to help set up the prompts (for city, period, etc.) - class used purely to compute the time taken to execute a block of code - utility class containing generic methods - e.g., to convert seconds to weeks/days/hours/mins/secs
Web sites used as a reference or to look at Python code snippets: