Playing with Bicep.
It provides an overview of modules and resources in Bicep.
The bicep modules will provision the following Azure Resources under subscription scope.
- A Resource Group with Baseline variable
- Hub VNET with required subnets
- Azure Firewall Subnet
- Azure Bastion Subnet
- A jumpbox subnet
- Spoke VNET with AKS cluster subnet and additional subnet for other services like Azure Container Registry etc.
- Azure Firewall and required routes
- Azure Bastion resource and a jumpbox VM without public IP for securing traffic
- Azure Container Registry for storing images.
- A Private Endpoint for ACR
- Private DNS Zone
- AAD Enabled, Managed Private AKS Cluster with monitoring Addon and Azure Policy enabled
- Private AK Cluster need the UDR routes enabled via Firewall.
Foundation for this, is built upon cloning ssarwa