Use memory-mapped IO with assembly language on the Sparkfun LPC2148 uberboard v2
Starter Kit for writing code on the SparkFun UberBoard v2.
A very simple build script for bare metal arm toolchain. NO LINUX!
mccv / scala-maven-plugin
Forked from davidB/scala-maven-pluginThe scala-maven-plugin (previously maven-scala-plugin) is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.
mccv / smile
Forked from al3x/smileactor-based memcache client library
mccv / blueeyes
Forked from jdegoes/blueeyesA lightweight Web 3.0 framework for Scala, featuring a purely asynchronous architecture, extremely high-performance, massive scalability, high usability, and a functional, composable design.
mccv / ensime
Forked from stevej/ensimeEnhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs
mccv / grabby-hands
Forked from twitter-archive/grabby-handsA JVM Kestrel client that aggregates queues from multiple servers. Implemented in Scala with Java bindings. In use at Twitter for all JVM Search and Streaming Kestrel interactions.
A lightweight Web 3.0 framework for Scala, featuring a purely asynchronous architecture, extremely high-performance, massive scalability, high usability, and a functional, composable design.
mccv / naggati
Forked from stevej/naggatiprotocol codec builder for mina
mccv / twitterActors
Forked from twitter-archive/twitterActorsImproved Scala actors library; used internally at Twitter
mccv / querulous
Forked from twitter-archive/querulousAn agreeable way to talk to your database.
twitter-archive / querulous
Forked from nkallen/querulousAn agreeable way to talk to your database
mccv / jackhammer
Forked from al3x/jackhammerA generic load testing framework in Scala.
Improved Scala actors library; used internally at Twitter
A slightly more standard sbt project plugin library