Funnel is a go library for parsing arbitrary filter statements and building safe SQL.
This library is meant to be used as a way to build an API that accepts arbitrary filters on data.
Lets jump right into examples
Imagine this GET request:
GET /friends?query='Age >= "21" && (Drinks = "Beer" || Likes = "Sports")'
To convert that complex query into a SQL statement that has no chance of SQL injection is a difficult task
This library attempts to solve that use-case.
To convert that string into a safe SQL query, with argument literals stripped out, you would simply call:
allowedKeys := []string{"Age", "Drinks", "Likes"}
sqlString, sqlArgs, error := funnel.ToSql(`Age >= "21" && (Drinks = "Beer" || Likes = "Sports")`, allowedKeys)
is represents standard sql representing a WHERE
is a []interface{}
is returned if the syntax of the string is incorrect, or if the string used any illegal fields
and sqlArgs
are meant to be used in a sql statement, like DB.Query(sqlString, sqlArgs...)
funnel uses question mark (?
) prepared statement syntax for representing placeholders for real literals.
However, several popular databases use other syntax. To use another syntax, say Dollar $1
format, you can just use
sql = Replace(sql, funnel.Dollar)
The replace code is copy pasted from squirrel's implementation so people don't have to install that dependency just for placeholders.
This package is even more useful when used in conjunction with squirrel. See this snippet for an example
filterSql, filterArgs, _ := funnel.ToSql(input, allowedKeys)
Where("user_id", userId).
Where(filterSql, filterArgs...).