In this project, we aim to build a comprehensive system to manage and streamline operations in a bottling company. We are leveraging the latest technologies, including .NET 6 and Entity Framework Core 6.0, to ensure a robust and efficient solution. Additionally, we are utilizing AutoMapper for seamless data mapping and MariaDB as our database management system.
This system, named "Bluelife," will revolutionize the bottling company's processes, optimizing production, inventory management, and overall efficiency. With a user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities, it will facilitate day-to-day tasks, ensuring smooth operations and better control over the company's resources.
Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments as we continue to enhance the Bluelife system!
- .NET 6
- Entity Framework Core 6.0
- AutoMapper
- MariaDB
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- Adminer
- Serilog
- Identity
- Jwt
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- React.JS v.18
- Zustand
- Formik
- Yup
- React router dom v6
- Tailwind v.3
- Daisy UI
- Moment
- Jwt
VITE_APP_API_URL=https://localhost:52683/api VITE_APP_API_PERSONA_URL=http://localhost:5001/api