By scraping Craigslist and following up on the URLs, it is possible to determine the like price at which cars sell/don’t sell.
The system behavior is going to look something like this:
- Check craigslist for new listings; save all of them with a unique ID (URL)
- Check all saved listings to see if they've changed status (options are [removed by user, expired, flagged])
- repeat
After that process has run for a while, I'll have a dataset that I can use to compare a listing's time on the platform,end status, and any details about the listings
That information can probably be used to learn stuff about cars; or maybe even train a neural network to predict what price/timeframe a given listing would sell at/in
I need two main pieces of tech infrastructure to build this:
- a database that can store HTML files
- a webscraper that can access craigslist
In the past I've spent a ton of time and energy building data cleaning functions into the webscraper; taking pieces of information like model, price, etc out of the HTML before writing it to the database.
This practice made the pipeline brittle, the frequent breaks limited the size/usefulness of a dataset
Craigslist's own T&C cause listings to expire after 45 days no matter what, so I can label a URL as 'retired' after that timeframe.
I also can just compare the saved HTML to the scraped HTML to see if it's changed and save a new version if it has. No need to determine conclusivity out of the gate.
|-webscraper-| -> |-database-| |-program on ec2-| -> |-dynamoDB-|
I need to run the scraper on ec2 because Craigslist uses client-side rendering, so I need to host a web browser client to get all the information out of HTML
dynamoDB is a key-value store that'll be adequate for saving HTML pages with a unique key
In the future I can write an HTML parser to analyze this data; the mistake I've made in the past is writing a parser inline with the pipeline.
Note: don't do this.
I'm following this guide for the ec2-dynamoDB setup:
Ec2 instance name: Jenkins
Publis DNS:
ssh command:
ssh -i my-keypair.pem ec2-user@public-dns-name
ssh -i Jenkins.pem [email protected]