This is a Phing build file that I generally use to run static code analysis tools and phpunit in my composer projects.
It runs:
- PHP Lint.
- PHP CodeSniffer for PSR2 standard.
- PHPMD for unusedcode, codesize, controversial, design, naming rules.
- PHP Copy Paste detector.
- PHP Depend.
- PHPUnit + Codecoverage.
- PHPDocumentor.
All results are saved inside phing-build directory.
- php
- phing/phing
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- phpmd/phpmd
- sebastian/phpcpd
- pdepend/pdepend
- phpunit/phpunit
- phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor
- ext-xsl (It requires php extension xsl to generate coverage html report).
See mcustiel/docker-php-tools, you can find all need tools there..