cloudstructs Public
Forked from jogold/cloudstructsHigh-level constructs for AWS CDK
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 4, 2023 -
gdelt-doc-api Public
Forked from alex9smith/gdelt-doc-apiA Python client for the GDELT 2.0 Doc API
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2022 -
watertools Public
Forked from TimHessels/watertoolsTools for data collecting and data processing of remote sensed data
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
amazon-sagemaker-examples Public
Forked from aws/amazon-sagemaker-examplesExample notebooks that show how to apply machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning in Amazon SageMaker
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2021 -
terraform-aws-accounts-reference Public template
Forked from robbytaylor/terraform-aws-accounts-referenceAn reference implementation for managing AWS multi-account environments with Terraform
HCL MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2019 -
dynamodb-geo.js Public
Forked from robhogan/dynamodb-geo.jsA node-friendly typescript port of https://github.com/awslabs/dynamodb-geo
TypeScript UpdatedNov 2, 2019 -
stf Public
Forked from openstf/stfControl and manage Android devices from your browser.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 3, 2019 -
spin-kub-v2-demo Public
Forked from lwander/spin-kub-v2-demoDemo of the Kubernetes Provider v2 in Spinnaker
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 21, 2018 -
flux Public
Forked from fluxcd/fluxThe GitOps Kubernetes operator
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 19, 2018 -
gitops-helm Public
Forked from fluxcd/helm-operator-get-startedManaging Helm releases with Weave Flux Helm Operator
Smarty MIT License UpdatedDec 18, 2018 -
spin-kub-demo Public
Forked from lwander/spin-kub-demoSpinnaker code to prod demo for Kubernetes
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 30, 2018 -
jenkins.io Public
Forked from jenkins-infra/jenkins.ioA static site for the Jenkins automation server
datadoge Public
Forked from goldstar/datadogeA simple Datadog integration to report on Rails application performance.
Ruby Other UpdatedJun 8, 2017 -
terraform-api-gateway-cors-module Public
Forked from carrot/terraform-api-gateway-cors-moduleTerraform modules which creates an OPTIONS method and apply CORS configuration for a resource in API Gateway.
HCL UpdatedMay 18, 2017 -
promise-wtf Public
Lightweight Promise implementation with the 'finally' method
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
bellajs Public
Forked from ndaidong/bellajsBellaJS - A useful helper for any javascript program
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
paypal-nvp-api Public
Forked from ndaidong/paypal-nvp-apiNode.js wrapper for the Paypal Name-Value Pair — NVP
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
paypal-permissions-sdk-node Public
Forked from wesley-firewalla/paypal-permissions-sdk-nodeJavaScript UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
paypal-adaptive-sdk-nodejs Public
Forked from Ideame/paypal-adaptive-sdk-nodejsNode.js sdk for Paypal Adaptive Payments API
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2016 -
rubycritic Public
Forked from whitesmith/rubycriticA Ruby code quality reporter
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2016