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Development of homotopy type theory in Agda

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Homotopy Type Theory in Agda


This repository contains a development of homotopy type theory and univalent foundations in Agda. The structure of the source code is described below.

There is also an introduction to Agda for homotopy type theorists in the tutorial directory containing everything you need to know to understand the Agda code here, be sure to check it out.

Style and naming conventions


  • Line length is capped at 80 characters
  • Names of modules are in CamelCase
  • Names of terms are in lowercase-with-hyphens-between-words
  • There are a few sporadic exceptions to the previous rules, namely the type of universe levels Level (usually implicit) and universe-like types (hProp, hSet, Type≤, pType)
  • Unicode chars can appear in names but should not be overused (prefer A-to-B to A→B for instance)
  • Avoid names of free variables in identifiers
  • Universe levels are usually implicit but should be explicit when they cannot be deduced from the context (for instance pushout-diag i is the type of pushout diagrams in the universe level i)

Truncation levels

I’m not using the terminology of h-levels anymore, the is-hlevel term has been replaced by is-truncated. The argument of is-truncated is of type ℕ₋₂ where

data ℕ₋₂ : Set where
  ⟨-2⟩ : ℕ₋₂
  S : (n : ℕ₋₂) → ℕ₋₂

There are also terms ⟨-1⟩, ⟨0⟩, ⟨1⟩, ⟨2⟩ and ⟨_⟩ : ℕ → ℕ₋₂ with the obvious definitions.

Properties of types

Names of the form is-X (or sometimes has-X), represent properties that can hold (or not) for some type A. The property is-X can be parametrized by some arguments. The property is said to hold for a type A iff is-X args A is inhabited. The types is-X args A should be (h-)propositions.


is-truncated    -- This one has one argument of type [ℕ₋₂]
has-all-paths   -- Every two points are equal
has-dec-eq      -- Decidable equality
  • The theorem stating that some type A (perhaps with arguments) has some property is-X is named A-is-X. The arguments of A-is-X are the arguments of is-X followed by the arguments of A.
  • It can be recursive (e.g. if B satisfies is-X, then so does A B) in which case the arguments of A that can be deduced from the recursive proofs of is-X are implicit in A-is-X.
  • If is-X takes an argument which is a datatype and that the conclusion of the theorem is is-X (c …) A where c is a constructor of the type of the argument of is-X, then the theorem is called A-is-X-c.
  • Theorems stating that any type satisfying is-X also satisfies is-Y are named X-is-Y (and not is-X-is-Y which would mean is-Y (is-X A)).

Examples (only the nonimplicit arguments are given)

unit-is-contr : is-contr unit
bool-is-set : is-set bool
Σ-is-truncated : (n : ℕ₋₂)
  → (is-truncated n A → ((x : A) → is-truncated n (P x))
       → is-truncated n (Σ A P))
×-is-truncated : (n : ℕ₋₂)
  → (is-truncated n A → is-truncated n B → is-truncated n (A × B))
Π-is-truncated : (n : ℕ₋₂)
  → ((x : A) → is-truncated n (P x)) → is-truncated n (Π A P)
→-is-truncated : (n : ℕ₋₂) → (is-truncated n B → is-truncated n (A → B))
is-contr-is-prop : is-contr (is-prop A)
contr-is-prop : is-contr A → is-prop A
truncated-is-truncated-S : (n : ℕ₋₂)
  → (is-truncated n A → is-truncated (S n) A)
dec-eq-is-set : has-dec-eq A → is-set A
contr-has-all-paths : is-contr A → has-all-paths A

Functions and equivalences

  • A natural function between two types A and B is often called A-to-B
  • If f : A → B, the lemma asserting that f is an equivalence is called f-is-equiv
  • If f : A → B, the equivalence (f , f-is-equiv) is called f-equiv
  • As a special case of the previous point, A-to-B-equiv is usually called A-equiv-B instead

We have

A-to-B : A → B
A-to-B-is-equiv : is-equiv (A-to-B)
A-to-B-equiv : A ≃ B
A-equiv-B : A ≃ B


If r is a record, there is a lemma saying that if u v : r and that the fields of u and v are respectively equal, then u and v are equal. This lemma is called r-eq-raw.

This is usually not quite what is needed (we may want to replace equality of types by equivalence and equality of functions by homotopy), this new lemma is called r-eq.

Structure of the source

The structure of the source is roughly the following:

Base library

  • Types contains the definitions of the basic types (universe levels, unit, empty, dependent sums, natural numbers, integers, …)

  • Functions contains basic definitions about functions (composition, identities, constant maps)

  • Paths contains the definitions and properties of paths types and the groupoid structure of types, transport of something in a fibration along a path and its various reduction rules, and other convenient constructions and properties

  • HLevel contains definitions and properties about truncation levels (not needing the notion of equivalence)

  • Equivalences contains the definition of equivalences and useful properties

  • Univalence contains the statement of the univalence axiom

  • Funext contains the proof of function extensionality (using univalence)

  • HLevel contains definitions and properties about truncation levels where the notion of equivalence or function extensionality is needed

  • FiberEquivalences contains the proof that a map between fibrations which is an equivalence of total spaces is a fiberwise equivalence (depends only on Equivalences and above)

  • Base exports everything above and is the file that should be imported in any file

  • Integers.Integers contains the definition of the successor function, the proof that it’s an equivalence, and the proof that the type of the integers is a set


The Homotopy directory contains homotopy-theoretic definitions and properties. More precisely there is:

  • PullbackDef contains the definition of the type that should satisfy the universal property of pullback in the universes Set i
  • PullbackUP contains the definition of what it means for some type to satisfy the universal property of pullback inside some subcategory (parametrized by a P : Set i → hProp i)
  • PullbackIsPullback contains a proof that what should be a pullback in Set i is indeed a pullback
  • Similarly for PushoutDef, PushoutUP and PushoutIsPushout. The file PushoutUP also contains a proof that two pushouts of the same diagram are equivalent
  • TruncatedHIT contains the proof that an HIT with special constructors that fill spheres can be given an elimination rule easier to work with (see Algebra.FreeGroup for an example)
  • TruncationHIT contains the HIT defining the truncation, with a small hack to handle (-2)-truncations
  • Truncation contains a nicer interface for truncation and the universal property (this is the file you should import if you want to do anything with truncations)


The Spaces directory contains definitions and properties of various spaces.

  • Interval contains the definition of the interval
  • IntervalProps contains a proof that the interval is contractible and that the interval implies (non-dependent) function extensionality
  • Circle contains the HIT definition of the circle
  • LoopSpaceCircle contains the proof that the based loop space of the circle is equivalent to the type of the integers
  • Suspension contains the definition of the suspension of a type (as a special case of pushout)
  • Spheres contains the definitions of spheres
  • WedgeCircles contains the definition of the wedge of a set of circles
  • FlatteningLoopSpaceWedgeCircles contains the proof of the flattening lemma for the loop space of a wedge of circles (indexed by a set)
  • LoopSpaceDecidableWedgeCircles contains the proof that the loop space of a wedge of circles indexed by a set with decidable equality is the free group


The Algebra directory contains some basic algebra.

  • Groups contains a crappy definition of groups
  • GroupIntegers contains a proof that the integers form a group
  • FreeGroup contains the definition of the free group on a set of generators (not that it’s a group, actually)
  • FreeGroupProps contains properties of the free group (that it’s a set and that multiplying by a generator is an equivalence)
  • F2NotCommutative contains a proof that F2 is not commutative
  • FreeGroupAsReducedWords contains an equivalent definition of the free group as a set of reduced words, in the case where the set of generators has decidable equality


The Sets repository contains properties of the category of (h)sets.

  • Quotient contains a definition of the quotient of a set by a (prop-valued) equivalence relation with truncated higher inductive types
  • QuotientUP proves the universal property of quotients


Development of homotopy type theory in Agda






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