The progress bar library that started with the idea of looking pretty
Only works with python3
pip3 install ppl
import time
from ppl import pb
for i in pb(range(100)):
import time
import random
from ppl import pb
total = 120
tasks = [
'Make paintball', 'Find dragons', 'Code in python', 'Take out the trash',
'Fill up water bottles for trip'
for task in tasks:
i = 0
for i in pb(range(total), task=task):
sleep_time = [.05, .04, .03, .02, .01][random.randint(0, 4)]
time.sleep(sleep_time) # emulating long-playing task
By default the bar length is the full width of the terminal window
import time
from ppl import pb
for i in pb(range(100), bar_len=20):