weapp-vue-eggjs-shop-demo Public
Forked from ruiyong-lee/weapp-vue-eggjs-shop-demo适用于日用品、干货等商城,pc管理端 + 微信小程序 + 后端服务
JavaScript UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
996.ICU Public
Forked from 996icu/996.ICURepo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
kaminari Public
Forked from kaminari/kaminariA Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3 and 4
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 28, 2016 -
searchkick Public
Forked from ankane/searchkickIntelligent search made easy for Rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2016 -
init.d Public
Forked from huacnlee/init.dBatch scripts for Rails production environment install on Ubuntu Server.
UpdatedJun 30, 2016 -
bulk_insert Public
Forked from jamis/bulk_insertEfficient bulk inserts with ActiveRecord
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2016 -
ransack Public
Forked from activerecord-hackery/ransackObject-based searching. With maintenance by @radar and @jonatack!
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2016 -
cancancan Public
Forked from CanCanCommunity/cancancanContinuation of CanCan, the authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2016 -
wx_pay Public
Forked from jasl/wx_payAn unofficial simple wechat pay gem
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 30, 2016 -
weixin_authorize Public
Forked from lanrion/weixin_authorize微信 Ruby 高级API weixin_authorize http://github.com/lanrion/weixin_authorize .
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2016 -
alipay Public
Forked from chloerei/alipayAn unofficial alipay ruby gem
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2016 -
actioncable Public
Forked from rails/actioncableFramework for real-time communication over websockets
UpdatedJan 1, 2016