This is a mail client with the features of composing a mail and also filtering mails by read, unread and favourites, including the login logout and signup functionality.
A demo of the working web-app can be viewed by visiting:
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Email-Client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the backend go server to connect to the database
cd backend
go run main.go
Change the port settings according to your convenience main.go
Now, run the webpage on localhost by:
cd ..
cd src
npm start
##Structure of Code backend folder contains three folders:
- Auth: handlers.go contains the functions needed for authentication.
- Models: models.go contains the user struct and the email struct for storing data in the database.
- Store: store.go contains the functions for storing the data in the database and functions for signup and login.
- main.go file defines all the backend routes. frontend: src folder contains: components: contains all the components with their styling homepage: component being rendered on the homepage