Wega Bilgi Teknolojileri
- Antalya
- www.wegabt.com
🍪 Simple cross-browser cookie-consent plugin written in vanilla js
DEPRECATED jQuery Responsive Carousel.
Araç marka / model veritabanı, meslekler veritabanı, ülkeler şehirler ve ilçeler veritabanı.
Google SERP Checker PHP Script I've made this SERP checker PHP script that shows the position or Google rank of a page for a certain keyword search. It also displays a preview of the how a certain …
Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
PHP::Türkiye'de Kullanılan Tüm Bankaların Sanal POS'larına Kolay Entegrasyon
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
Flutter Architecture Complete App
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
medyalivacom / Full-Interactive-ihtiyac-Kredisi-Hesaplama-PURE-JS
Forked from TheCoderDream/Full-Interactive-ihtiyac-Kredisi-Hesaplama-PURE-JSPhp ile Kredi Hesaplama ve Ödeme Tablosu Yapımı
A PHP spreadsheet reader (Excel XLS and XLSX, OpenOffice ODS, and variously separated text files) with a singular goal of getting the data out, efficiently
PHP ile Yahoo Weather Api kullanarak hava durumunu çekme.
Facebook SDK v5 integeration with Codeigniter 3
This repository contains helper files to follow the tutorial
PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse.
A chrome extension that allows for bulk url removal.
📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
https://adres.nvi.gov.tr/ adresinde yer alan tüm İl - İlçe - Mahalle / Köy / Mezra / Mevki - CSBM bilgilerini içeren veri tabanları (PostgreSQL, MariaDB / MySQL, MongoDB, Sqlite ve Redis)
Ptt güncel verilerinden İl, ilçe, semt ve mahalle veritabanı oluşturma scripti
Php Sahibinden.com Botu
ADEL CCG is an easy open-source intuitive web app to create AdminLTE4 -Bootstrap 5- dashboards with CRUD operations in php.