App for log your car parts maintenance such as engine, oil and any what you want! Manage cost, date and mileage.
Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview!
Shared Desktop app prototype, made in 2019 Startup Weekend Hackathon
Microservice for generating tables from dictionary
This is company parser for Odoo
Implemetation of Minimax algorithm
Implementation of Breadth First Search algorithm
This is a not completed Quiz server assignment from Operating System course
This project is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network application in Java
simple perceptron to recognize 28x28 sized images. Digits between 0-9.
API for db neo4j and elasticsearch
Simple Course and Students relationship django project
Радиола-ESP32. Простой медиацентр на базе TDA7293 и аудиопроцессора TDA7313 + web-радио (на VS1053B) под управлением ESP32-WROVER. Форум проекта: