ionix is a micro-orm library that based on .net standart 2.0 (which supports Linux, Windows and macOS).
Install-Package ionix.Data
It' s very easy to use, here is some Northwind database examples:
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateDbClient())
var employee = db.Cmd.SelectById<Employees>(1);
employee = await db.Cmd.SelectByIdAsync<Employees>(1);
var employee = dbCmd.QuerySingle<Employees>("select * from Employees where EmployeeID=@0".ToQuery(1));
employee = await dbCmd.QuerySingleAsync<Employee>("select * from Employees where EmployeeID=@0".ToQuery(1));
IList<Employees> employeeList = dbCmd.Query<Employees>("select * from Employees".ToQuery());
employeeList = await dbCmd.QueryAsync<Employees>("select * from Employees".ToQuery());
var q = @"select o.*, c.*, e.* from Orders o
inner join Customers c on o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
inner join Employees e on o.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID".ToQuery();
var models = db.Cmd.Query<Orders, Customers, Employees>(q);
models = await db.Cmd.QueryAsync<Orders, Customers, Employees>(q);
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateDbClient())
int regionId = db.Cmd.QuerySingle<int>("select top 1 RegionID from Region".ToQuery());
IList<int> regionIds = db.Cmd.Query<int>("select RegionID from Region".ToQuery());
dynamic customers = db.Cmd.QuerySingle<dynamic>("select top 1 * from Customers t".ToQuery());
IList<dynamic> customers = db.Cmd.Query<dynamic>("select * from Customers t".ToQuery());
IList<Categories> categories = (IList<Categories>)client.Cmd.QueryNonGeneric(typeof(Categories), "select top 3 * from Categories".ToQuery());
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateTransactionalDbClient())
Categories c = new Categories()
CategoryID = 8,
CategoryName = "CategoryName",
int affected = db.Cmd.Update(c);
affected = db.Cmd.Update(c, p => p.CategoryName);
affected = await db.Cmd.UpdateAsync(c);
IList<Categories> catagories = client.Cmd.Select<Categories>();
db.Cmd.BatchUpdate(catagories, p => p.CategoryName);
await db.Cmd.BatchUpdateAsync(catagories);
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateTransactionalDbClient())
Categories c = new Categories()
CategoryID = 0,
CategoryName = "CategoryName",
int affected = db.Cmd.Insert(c);
affected = await db.Cmd.InsertAsync(c);
IList<Categories> catagories = client.Cmd.Select<Categories>();
categories.ForEach((item) => item.CategoryID = 0);
await db.Cmd.BatchInsertAsync(catagories);
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateTransactionalDbClient())
Categories c = new Categories()
CategoryID = 0,
CategoryName = "CategoryName",
int affected = db.Cmd.Upsert(c);
affected = db.Cmd.Upsert(c, p => p.CategoryName);
affected = await db.Cmd.UpsertAsync(c);
IList<Categories> catagories = client.Cmd.Select<Categories>();
categories.ForEach((item) => item.CategoryID = 0);
db.Cmd.BatchUpsert(catagories, p => p.CategoryName);
await db.Cmd.BatchUpsertAsync(catagories);
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateDbClient())
Categories c = new Categories()
CategoryID = 3
int affected = db.Cmd.Delete(c);
affected = await db.Cmd.DeleteAsync(c);
const int length = 1000000;
List<Region> list = new List<Region>(length);
for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
list.Add(new Region() { RegionID = 1000 + j, RegionDescription = "dl" + j });
using (var db = ionixFactory.CreateDbClient())
async db.Cmd.BulkCopyAsync(list);
Sql Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL (with migration / code-first approach) and SQLite.
You can check the ionix.DataTests project out for more details.
Maybe It's not perfectly accurate, but the picture gives you some insight about ionix's Performance;
("EF_Test" is Entity Framework' s Tests, "ionix_Tests" is ionix.Data' s Tests. All the tests run on Sql Server 2012)