Simple game made with JME3. This is my first attempt at making a video game. It is currently a simple shooter and has many areas that can be improved. To play the game simply select the number of cycles (1-3) desired and the number of players (1-2) and click Start. Then use the WASD keys along with the mouse to move around. Left click the mouse to fire. Shoot all of the targets to win your turn. Click continue if there are multiple players, and repeat. Otherwise you will be taken back to the start screen upon completion of all rounds.
Future plans include but are not limited to the following:
Character: -Update the player vehicle with a better skin -Add different types of weapons
Enemies: -Add different kinds of targets. (need to create meshes for them and give them skins as well) -Add some kind of AI so they do not just creepilly follow the player around like lost kittens -Add spawning of new targets and get rid of the old ones instead of just changing colors and remaining in the map
Environment: -Get directional/positional sounds working properly -Add some kind of ambient sound loop -Create a new level of my own design
Gameplay: -Add the total score to the hud display, and the score for each hit item
This list will be updated sporadically as I think of things to add or change.