A tiny but powerful Go internationalisation (i18n) library.
$ go get github.com/melvinmt/gt
package main
import (
var g = >.Build{
Index: gt.Strings{
"homepage-title": {
"en": "Hello World!",
"es": "¡Hola mundo!",
"zh-CN": "你好世界!",
"homepage-welcome": {
"en": "Welcome to %s, %s.",
"es-LA": "Bienvenidos a %s, %s.",
"tr-TR": "%s, %s'ya hoşgeldiniz.",
"nl": "Welkom bij %s, %s",
"eating": {
"en": "%s#name came to %s#chain and ate a %s#hamburger.",
"tr-TR": "%s#chain'ya geldi ve %s#hamburger yedi %s#name.",
"invoice": {
"en": "You need to pay %5.2f#amount dollars in %d#days days.",
"pt-BR": "Você precisa pagar %5.2f#amount dólares em %d#days dias.",
Origin: "en", // the language you'll be translating from
func main() {
// Key based:
s1 := g.T("homepage-title")
fmt.Println(s1) // outputs: ¡Hola mundo!
// String based:
s2 := g.T("Hello World!")
fmt.Println(s2) // outputs: 你好世界!
// Parse arguments:
s3 := g.T("Welcome to %s, %s.", "Github", "Melvin")
fmt.Println(s3) // outputs: Welkom bij Github, Melvin
// As you can see in the previous example, you can use regular printf verbs
// to parse arguments. The problem that you're facing here is that the order
// of words is different in some languages:
s4, err := g.Translate("Bienvenidos a %s, %s.", "Github", "Melvin")
if err != nil {
// This outputs: Github, Melvin'ya hoşgeldiniz. This is roughly translated as:
// Welcome to Melvin, Github. Which is NOT what you want. You can solve this with
// tag notation.
// Tag notation:
s5 := "%s#name came to %s#chain and ate a %s#hamburger."
fmt.Println(g.T(s5, "Tom", "Burger King", "Whopper"))
// Outputs: Burger King'ya geldi ve Whopper yedi Tom.
// Which is in a different order, but correctly translated.
// You can use any legal printf verb in combination with tags:
fmt.Printf(g.T("Você precisa pagar %5.2f#amount dólares em %d#days dias."), 499.95, 5)
// Outputs: You need to pay 499.95 dollars in 5 days.
T() always returns strings. You can use the more verbose Translate() method to handle errors.
key := "dashboard-notice"
s, err := g.Translate(key, "Melvin", "Alex")
if err != nil {
// do something
It's not recommended to pass duplicate anonymous printf verbs to gt, e.g. "%s, %s, %d"
. It will work when the target strings will keep the arguments in order, but when one language requires to format the string as %s %d %s
, gt will fail because it doesn't know which %s
to swap. You can easily solve this by tagging duplicate verbs: %s#tag1 %s#tag2 %d
Even when gt fails, it will try to return the origin string with formatted arguments. In this way, even when a translation has failed (or simply doesn't exist yet), you can at least present something to the end user.
g := >.Build{
Index: gt.Strings{
"incomplete": {
"en": "Sorry %s, this string is not translated yet!",
Origin: "en",
s, err := g.Translate("incomplete", "John")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(s) // outputs: Sorry John, this string is not translated yet!
When a key is used and the key doesn't exist and/or an origin language is not set, it can't find any origin strings and will simply return the key.
- fixed some bugs in reverse lookup and cleaning tags
- initial version of gt
- gt passes all tests
- wrote the documentation