My open source work is supported by the community
Special thanks to:
Improve your code review process by creating an ephemeral channel per merge request.
A typed GitLab SDK for Browser, Node.js, Deno and CLI usage.
- Complete - All features of Gitlab's exposed APIs are covered up to version 16.0.
- Universal - Works in all modern browsers, Node.js, and Deno and supports CLI usage.
- Tested - All libraries have > 80% test coverage.
- Typed - All libraries have extensive TypeScript declarations.
- 🔧 @gitbeaker/requester-utils - Utilities for the underlying HTTP request functionality.
- 📜 @gitbeaker/core - The core API detailing all the Gitlab resource support.
- 💻 @gitbeaker/rest - The Node.js, Deno and Modern Browser wrapper around the gitbeaker core API, using native fetch. This is the primary library for consumption.
- 📟 @gitbeaker/cli - The CLI Wrapper around the @gitbeaker/rest distribution.
This started as a fork from node-gitlab-legacy but I ended up rewriting much of the code. Here are the original work's contributors.