Releases: meshery/meshery-istio
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.8.2
What's new ?
- fix: update GitHub Actions to use latest setup-go and golangci-lint versions; improve error handling in Istio package; fixing golangci-lint failures @devhindo (#696)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@devhindo and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.8.0
What's new ?
- fix: update DefaultGenerationURL to correct path for CRDs @devhindo (#695)
- Upgrade Meshery Istio Go version to 1.23 @devhindo (#694)
- feat: change youtube link @ianrwhitney (#685)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@devhindo, @ianrwhitney, @leecalcote and ian whitney
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.7.0
What's new ?
- Bug: Upgraded Server Initialization method for e2e Test @singh1203 (#656)
- update dependencies @MUzairS15 (#661)
- Bump from 3.11.1 to 3.14.1 @dependabot (#658)
- Bump from 1.54.0 to 1.56.3 @dependabot (#639)
- [chore] Fix version @theBeginner86 (#635)
- Bump from 0.9.0 to 0.17.0 @dependabot (#633)
- Make the configuration of ci more simpler and fix the error @Aisuko (#627)
- Bump from 0.6.58 to 0.6.59 @dependabot (#614)
- Updating Figma Open Invite Link in Docs @yashchaddha (#601)
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: updates go and github actions version @aeswibon (#622)
- [chore] Add missing components @theBeginner86 (#634)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Aisuko, @Chadha93, @MUzairS15, @aeswibon, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote, @singh1203, @theBeginner86 and @yashchaddha
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.17
What's new ?
- add detailed msgs @MUzairS15 (#611)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.16
What's new ?
- update handlers to support version @MUzairS15 (#610)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15 and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.15
What's new ?
- fix model logo @MUzairS15 (#608)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.14
What's new ?
- [Meshmodel] Fix comp schema @MUzairS15 (#607)
- Bump from 0.6.45 to 0.6.49 @dependabot (#603)
- remove username revolyssup from dependabot @samyakshah3008 (#598)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Aisuko, @MUzairS15, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @leecalcote and @samyakshah3008
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.13
What's new ?
- update refrence path for spec @MUzairS15 (#602)
- Add the line for asking users for starring the repository. @anshgoyalevil (#591)
- Updated the build tag @Savio629 (#594)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@MUzairS15, @Savio629, @anshgoyalevil and @leecalcote
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.12
What's new ?
- [Istio SVGs] Fix issues with scaling of istio svgs @Abhishek-kumar09 (#586)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
Meshery Adapter for Istio v0.6.11
What's new ?
- Add missing custom component files @ayushthe1 (#575)
- update meshkit @acald-creator (#579)
- Upgrade to v2 of centralized E2E tests @Revolyssup (#573)
🧰 Maintenance
- [chore] fix lint failures @theBeginner86 (#582)
📖 Documentation
- Logo updated to meshery from layer5 @duckling69 (#576)
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@Revolyssup, @acald-creator, @ayushthe1, @duckling69, @leecalcote and @theBeginner86