Inetum Poland macOS authorization plugin that helps MDM administrators ensure valid Bootstrap Tokens are escrowed for all their Macs.
Converter from .hol (holiday) outlook file to ics file for import in another calendaring software
Repository for handy Jamf scripts
A macOS script to encourage users to restart their workstations
A Ruby Gem to use Jamf Pro API for hosted instances to run reports
Air Drop Assistant (ADA) gives you more control over airdrop's settings.
Orka Desktop is a free, no obligation, virtualization tool, which is designed to be deployed on individual macOS workstations.
Example Apache server configuration to build Apple account-driven enrollment workflows using a JSON discovery server.
Example Apache server configuration to build Apple account-driven enrollment workflows using a JSON discovery server.
meshyamsundar / projects
Forked from josemocha/projectsI solve problems for customers and myself.
meshyamsundar / macOS-Screen-Saver-and-Wallpaper
Forked from itjimbo/macOS-Screen-Saver-and-WallpaperFinds logs and plists related to Jamf management settings
meshyamsundar / Patcher
Forked from liquidz00/PatcherFetch patch management data from Jamf Pro to generate comprehensive reports in both Excel and PDF formats
Fetch patch management data from Jamf Pro to generate comprehensive reports in both Excel and PDF formats
macOS helper application designed to empower end-users
meshyamsundar / Renew
Forked from SecondSonConsulting/RenewA macOS script to encourage users to restart their workstations
PowerShell Module for the Jamf Classic API
Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon, VirtualBuddy is a virtual machine GUI for macOS M1, M2, M3
meshyamsundar / Shortcuts
Forked from robjschroeder/ShortcutsShortcuts mainly used on iOS