This is my first project using JS.
It is the challange on section 15 of the 2020 Web Development Bootcamp course given by Angela Yu and offered on Udemy.
The course suggest to the implemantation using JQuery but I figured it would be a good oportunity to try and learn React.
As I dove into the challenge I saw oportunities to also learn redux, bootstrap-react, sass and webpack.
I also used Typescript, mostly to get the benefits of intelisense, but I cut some corners not giving proper type anotations, specially on redux store. Used type any more than I'd like but combining redux and typescript demands the knowledge of some tricks I did not care to learn at the moment.
It was way harder than I initially thought it would be but It wass very fullfilling to complete. I learnt a lot in the way.
Despite trying to do the most elegant implementation I could there might be some obvious style problems and an unnecessary complexity - I'll blame my lack of experience on theses technologies for that. Should anybody care to read the code I'll be glad to hear some suggestions on how it could've been done.