A e-bidding system using socket programming in python
Simple server-client program usimg python.
Here the server file have server program to connect
Server File: 1.A server has a bind() method which binds it to a specific ip and port so that it can listen to incoming requests on that ip and port. 2.A server has a listen() method which puts the server into listen mode. 3.This allows the server to listen to incoming connections. And last a server has an accept() and close() method. 4.The accept method initiates a connection with the client and the close method closes the connection with the client.
Server.py has all bidding related information like bidwar information , item won by the client etc.
Client File:
- Server can interact with the client.
- Client fike has the information of item choose by the client.
Item file: It has all items data available for bidding and their prices.