Tags: metaeducation/ren-c
Build 32-bit version binaries correctly Changing OS_ID is not enough.
Support cross-compiling for windows using cmake When building with TCC, it needs to be a cross-compiler, and present as ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cross-tcc To compile for 64-bit windows: $mkdir build $cd build $cmake ../make -DR3_OS_ID=0.3.40 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../make/Toolchain-cross-mingw64-linux.cmake
Fix mold of an Image with length of multiple of 10 If the length of the image is multiple of 10 (e.g. 5x1), mold of it will be like: make image! [5x1 #{ RRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBBRR GGBBRRGGBBRRGGBBRRGG BBRRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBB00 }] while expecting: make image! [5x1 #{ RRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBBRR GGBBRRGGBBRRGGBBRRGG BBRRGGBBRRGGBBRRGGBB }] The problem is that an extra newline is counted in this case. Only the newlines between the first and last pixel is needed, if the last pixel is right at the end of the line, no need to count it here, as it will be appended later.