social-autopost Public
Auto post (facebook, more comings for other socials networks) using Pupetter headless browser and nodejs
gdrivesql Public
Automate backup MYSQL and postgreSQL database into google drive along with filesystem
Laravel-Phone Public
Forked from Propaganistas/Laravel-PhonePhone number functionality for Laravel
kubernetes-nodejs Public
Simple app to do deployments using kubernetes + docker in master and slave k8s nodes
api-hug Public
Forked from iphadey/api-hugAn open-source API application that eases developer's daily life
open-invoice-generator Public
Generate invoice/quotation/receipt directly from this system
Hacktoberfest2022 Public
Forked from ossamamehmood/HacktoberfestHacktoberfest 2022 OPEN FIRST Pull Request - FREE T-SHIRT๐
toyyibpay-laravel Public
Forked from tarsofttech/toyyibpay-laravelThis is Laravel ToyyibPay Package
WordPress Public
Forked from WordPress/WordPressWordPress, Git-ified. This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit pull requests to https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develโฆ
laravel-sms Public
Laravel services to send SMS. Support multiple drivers (nexmo, twilio, yunpian) and more coming in progress. Easy to use and easy to add custom driver to support others provider
seajell Public
Forked from seajell/seajellA simple e-Certificate generator.
seajell-documentation Public
Forked from seajell/seajell-documentationOfficial Documentation For SeaJell
server-host-automation Public
Auto create initial server host for nginx and apache, create project root from git repo. Only for laravel project.
laravel-fullcalendar Public
Forked from maddhatter/laravel-fullcalendarLaravel FullCalendar.io Helper
laravel-lang Public
Forked from overtrue/laravel-lang๐ 75 languages support for Laravel application.
laravel-generator Public
Forked from SmarterVision/laravel-generator -
laravel-langman Public
Forked from themsaid/laravel-langmanLanguage files manager in your artisan console.
Laravel-rating Public
Forked from mohamednagy/Laravel-ratingLaravel package that allows you to rate, like & dislike and vote(+1,-1) your models with a simple and clear ways
circleci-laravel-boilerplate Public
CircleCI CI/CD boilerplate for Laravel or PHP application. Modify based on your application!
1 UpdatedNov 18, 2020 -
predictionIO-apache-ml Public
Setup predictionIO machine learning for Recommendation
2 UpdatedNov 2, 2020 -
go-cloner Public
Cloned existing project into a new project (including server block, create database, etc) and automate git deployment to the rest of cloned folder by single line of command
1 UpdatedMay 4, 2020 -
laravel-phantomjs Public
Forked from mrjosh/laravel-phantomjs๐ Use phantom-js in laravel
php-phantomjs Public
Forked from mrjosh/php-phantomjsExecute PhantomJS commands through PHP
fcm-notification Public
Forked from katsana/fcm-notificationFirebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Notification Channel for Laravel
proxy-list Public
Forked from clarketm/proxy-listA list of free, public, forward proxy servers. UPDATED DAILY!
waf-firewall-hardening Public
Collections of hardening methods or steps can be used to secure our web applications from attackers.
2 UpdatedJan 20, 2020 -
borang-sekolah Public
Forked from kidino/borang-sekolahBorang maklumat murid untuk serahan kepada sekolah di Malaysia setiap awal tahun.
npm-malaysia-postcodes Public
Forked from AsyrafHussin/npm-malaysia-postcodesList of Malaysia Postcodes with City and State (JSON)