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Forked from MichelNivard/gptstudioGPT RStudio addins that enable GPT assisted coding, writing & analysis
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Forked from PaulMakesStuff/Python_Cross_StitchTakes a .jpg image file and generates a cross stitch pattern using a user specified number of DMC colours.
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Forked from angelajw/QualtricsDataCleaningR Tutorial: useful R codes for cleaning and filtering data from Qualtrics surveys, and for creating new variables in the dataframe. With step-by-step explanations.
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Forked from UBCMath/MATH307Applied Linear Algebra
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Files related to a summer research term under Dr. Nilima Nigam, Dr. James Wakeling, and Dr. Emma Hodson-Tole.
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Forked from patrickwalls/mathematicalpythonIntroduction to Mathematical Computing with Python and Jupyter
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Forked from apester/neurodynex3Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 18, 2020 -
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Files related to a summer research term under Dr. Marni Mishna.
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