100 days, 1 hour per day, learning to build 1 project per day in Python π Language.
Start date: 04/24/2022 - Currently
Me, Larissa. I am challenging myself to complete the 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp. Over the course of 100 days, spending one hour each day, I aim to learn how to build a project using Python.
Today, on 04/24/2022, I am starting the challenge with only the ability to write "Hello World" in the language.
If I am unable to complete a challenge on any given day due to time constraints or other reasons, that challenge will roll over to the following day. This means that I will be spending a total of 100 non-consecutive days learning Python." π
Day 01 / A Band Name Generator
A band name generator from the input of users of their country and a random pet name.
- Concepts learned:
- Printing, commenting, debugging, string manipulation, and variables.
Day 02 / A Tip Calculator
Created a simple calculator that takes in input of the total bill, percentage of tips to be given and the amount of people to split the bill.
- Concepts learned:
- Data types, numbers, operations, type conversion, f-strings and round numbers (specified decimal number rounding_off=Round(2.666666,2) = 2.66)
Day 03 / A Teasure Island - Text Game
Created a storytelling like treasure island adventure where each steps u take lead to different outcomes.
- Concepts learned:
- Learned if/elif/else statements & nested if/elif/else & multiple ifs and reminded me that indentation is important in python.
Day 04 / Rock Paper Scissors Game
A a rock, paper, scissors game.
- Concepts learned:
- Randomisation and python lists.
Day 05 / Password Generator
This is a simple program that asks the user to specify the number of letters, symbols, and numbers that should be included in the password. The program then uses the random library to select random characters from each of these character lists.
- Concepts learned:
- Loops, range and clode blocks.
Day 06 / Reeborg Challenge - Extern Link
Reeborg was exploring a dark maze when the battery in its flashlight ran out. This project doesn't have any code uploaded to my Github because it's a web game that you can use to complete the challenge.
- Concepts learned:
- The main concepts that were learned today were how to use while loops and functions.
Day 07 / Hangman Game
Hangman Game is a classic word guessing game where the player must guess a secret word by suggesting letters.
- Concepts learned:
- The main concepts that are used in this implementation include user input validation, randomization, list manipulation, and while loops.
Day 08 / Cipher Text Encode and Decode
A program to encrypt and decrypt in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.
- Concepts learned:
- Review of the old concepts learned (list manipulation, functions, loops etc)
Day 09 / Secret Auction Program
The objective is to write a program that will collect the names and bids of different people. The program should ask for each bidder's name and their bid individually.
- Concepts learned:
- Dictionaries, nesting and the secret auction
Day 10 / Calculator
The objective of this project is to create an interactive calculator program using functions with return statements.
This project requires the following tools to be installed on your local machine: Python +3.0 or later, and an active internet connection to clone the repository. (More tools soon)
βοΈ| Before proceeding with the steps below, make sure that you have all the required tools installed on your machine.
0. Download the archives
# Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:mewmewdevart/100DaysofCode.git
# Enter into the directory
$ cd 100DaysofCode/
1. Run the Project
# To run the project, navigate to your root directory and execute
# the following command in your terminal, replacing 'DayXX/ProjectXX/main.py'
# with the correct path to the project you want to run:
$ python3 DayXX/ProjectXX/main.py
- 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 by Angela Yu.
- Python Tutorial Document - W3School
Developed with love π by Larissa Cristina Benedito (Mewmew/Larcrist).