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forked from MoonforDream/MoonNet

MoonNet is a high-performance event driven Linux server network library


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简介 (Chinese)

MoonNet 是一个专注于基于 Reactor 的高性能服务端网络库,提供基于主从 Reactor 多线程模型的服务端模块。它利用 Linux 的 epoll 机制,结合多线程和事件驱动设计,提供高效、可扩展的网络通信能力。MoonNet 支持 TCP 和 UDP 协议,并内置信号处理和定时器功能,适用于构建高并发、低延迟的服务器应用。


  • 高性能:基于 epoll 的事件驱动模型,支持大量并发连接。
  • 多线程:主从 Reactor 模式,通过线程池管理多个事件循环,充分利用多核 CPU。
  • 丰富的事件类型:支持 TCP、UDP、定时器和信号事件。
  • 易于使用:简洁的接口设计,方便集成到各种项目中。
  • 静态/动态负载均衡:提供静态和动态的负载均衡方案



  • C++11 编译器 或更高版本
  • CMake 3.10 或更高版本
  • Linux


  1. 克隆仓库

    git clone
    cd MoonNet
  2. 创建构建目录

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. 运行 CMake

    cmake ..
  4. 编译

  5. 安装

    sudo make install
  6. 引用头文件

    #include <moonnet/moonnet.h>
  7. 清理

    make clean-all


特性 MoonNet muduo libevent Boost.Asio libuv
多线程支持 内置线程池管理 原生支持 需自行集成 原生支持 需自行管理
事件类型 TCP, UDP, 定时器, 信号 TCP, UDP, 定时器, 信号 TCP, UDP, 定时器 TCP, UDP, 定时器 TCP, UDP, 定时器, 信号
易用性 简洁接口,模块化 接口复杂 丰富但复杂 功能强大但学习曲线陡峭 丰富且跨平台
性能 高吞吐量,优化负载 高吞吐量 高性能 高性能 高性能
跨平台 Linux Linux Linux, Windows 跨平台 跨平台

MoonNet 通过简洁的接口设计和内置的多线程管理,提供了与传统高性能网络库相媲美的性能,同时降低了使用复杂度,适合需要高并发处理的服务器应用。

Overview (English)

MoonNet is a high-performance server-side network library focused on a Reactor model,providing server modules based on the master-slave Reactor multi-threaded model. Leveraging Linux's epoll mechanism combined with multithreading and event-driven design, MoonNet provides efficient and scalable network communication capabilities. It supports both TCP and UDP protocols, with built-in signal handling and timer functionalities, making it suitable for building high-concurrency, low-latency server applications.

Key Features

  • High Performance: Event-driven model based on epoll, supporting a large number of concurrent connections.
  • Multithreading: Master-worker Reactor pattern with a thread pool managing multiple event loops, fully utilizing multi-core CPUs.
  • Rich Event Types: Supports TCP, UDP, timer, and signal events.
  • Ease of Use: Simple interface design, easy to integrate into various projects.
  • **Static/Dynamic Load Balancing **: Provides static and dynamic load balancing solutions



  • C++11 Compiler or higher
  • CMake 3.10 or higher
  • Linux

Build Steps

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd MoonNet
  2. Create Build Directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Run CMake

    cmake ..
  4. Build

  5. Install

    sudo make install
  6. Reference header file

    #include <moonnet/moonnet.h>
  7. Clean

    make clean-all


Feature MoonNet muduo libevent Boost.Asio libuv
Multithreading Support Built-in thread pool management Natively supported Requires integration Natively supported Requires management
Event Types TCP, UDP, Timer, Signal TCP, UDP, Timer, Signal TCP, UDP, Timer TCP, UDP, Timer TCP, UDP, Timer, Signal
Ease of Use Simple interface, modularization Complex interfaces Rich but complex Powerful but steep learning curve Rich and cross-platform
Performance High throughput, optimized load High throughput High performance High performance High performance
Cross-Platform Linux Linux Linux, Windows Cross-platform Cross-platform

MoonNet offers performance comparable to traditional high-performance network libraries while reducing complexity through its straightforward interface design and built-in multithreading management, making it ideal for server applications requiring high concurrency.

基准测试 (Benchmark)

测试环境/Test Environment

  • 服务器/Server:阿里云 2 核 2G Ubuntu 服务器 / Aliyun 2-core 2G Ubuntu server
  • 测试工具/Testing Tool:使用 muduo 的 pingpong 客户端 / Using muduo's pingpong client
  • 测试方法/Methodology:在 1000 个并发连接下,运行 10 分钟,分别测试不同消息大小的吞吐量 / Under 1000 concurrent connections, run for 10 minutes, testing throughput with different message sizes
  • 测试目标/Test Target:4线程的TCP回声服务器,代码见bench目录 / A 4-threaded TCP echo server, code can be found in the bench directory

测试结果/Test Results


并发数/Concurrency 测试时长/Duration 消息大小/Message Size MoonNet 吞吐量/Throughput muduo 吞吐量/Throughput Libevent 吞吐量/Throughput
1000 10 分钟 1024 字节 102.06 MiB/s 97.51 MiB/s 95.22 MiB/s
1000 10 分钟 4096 字节 373.76 MiB/s 355.86 MiB/s 281.47 MiB/s
1000 10 分钟 8192 字节 669.08 MiB/s 632.54 MiB/s 561.58 MiB/s

数据可视化/Data Visualization

为了更直观地展示不同库的吞吐量差异,以下是测试结果的柱状图 / To better illustrate the throughput differences among different libraries, here is a bar chart of the test results: Throughtput img

使用示例(Usage Example)

以下我会将主要功能用一个服务器示例展现 / I will demonstrate the main functions using an example server as follows:

#include "MoonNet.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace moon;

// signalevent callback / 信号事件回调函数
void handle_signal(int signo, server *ser){
    std::cout << "Caught signal " << signo << std::endl;
    // Close the server and clean up resources / 关闭服务器,清理资源
    std::cout << "TCP Echo Server Termination" << std::endl;

void handle_read(bfevent* bev){
    std::string str = bev->receive();
    // Or get inbuff / 或者获取输入缓冲区
    /* buffer* buff = bev->getinbuff();
    std::string s = bev->receive(buff->readbytes()); */
    // write(bev->getfd(),,str.size());

void handle_write(){
    std::cout << "send success" << std::endl;

// UDP receive callback function / UDP 接收回调函数
void on_udp_receive(const sockaddr_in& addr, moon::udpevent* uev) {
    std::string data = uev->receive();
    if (!data.empty()) {
        std::cout << "UDP Received from " << inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr)
                  << ":" << ntohs(addr.sin_port) << " - " << data << std::endl;

        // Send reply / 发送回复
        std::string reply = "Echo: " + data;
        std::cout << reply << std::endl;
        uev->send_to(reply, addr);

// UDP other event callback function (e.g., error) / UDP 其他事件回调函数(如错误)
void on_udp_event() {
    std::cout << "An error occurred on the UDP connection." << std::endl;

// Server class constructor has set the connection callback in acceptcb_
// 服务器类构造函数已在 acceptcb_ 中设置了连接回调
int main() {
    // Initialize server, listen on port 5005 / 初始化服务器,监听端口 5005
    server srv;
    // Enable TCP service / 启用 TCP 服务

    // Initialize thread pool and start dynamic balancing algorithm by default / 初始化线程池,默认启动动态均衡算法
    // Initialize thread pool with specified number of threads and enable dynamic balancing algorithm / 以指定线程数初始化线程池,并启用动态均衡算法
    // srv.init_pool(4,-1);
    // or 
    // Initialize thread pool without using dynamic load balancing algorithm / 不使用动态负载均衡算法初始化线程池
    // srv.init_pool_noadjust(4,-1);

    // Set TCP connection callbacks / 设置 TCP 连接的回调函数
    srv.set_tcpcb(handle_read, handle_write, nullptr);

    // Add signalevent / 添加信号事件
    srv.add_sev(v, std::bind(handle_signal, std::placeholders::_1, &srv));
    // Or add signalevent / 或添加信号事件
//    signalevent sev(srv.getloop());
//    sev.add_signal(v);
//    sev.setcb(std::bind(handle_signal, std::placeholders::_1, &srv));
//    sev.enable_listen();

    // Add udpevent / 添加udp事件
    srv.add_udpev(5006, on_udp_receive, on_udp_event);

    // Start server / 启动服务器

    return 0;

使用手册 (Guide)

​ 请参考 MoonNet 使用手册 获取更详细的使用说明。

​ Please refer to the MoonNet Guide for more detailed instructions

贡献 (Contributing)


  1. Fork 仓库
  2. 创建分支 (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature)
  3. 提交更改 (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. 推送到分支 (git push origin feature/YourFeature)
  5. 创建 Pull Request

欢迎提交 Pull RequestIssues,您的贡献将帮助 MoonNet 变得更好!

Here are the ways to contribute to MoonNet.:

  1. Fork the Repository
  2. Create a Branch(git checkout -b feature/YourFeature)
  3. Commit Your Changes(git commit -m 'Add some feature)
  4. Push to the Branch(git push origin feature/YourFeature)
  5. Create a Pull Request

Feel free to submit Pull Requests and Issues; your contributions will help make MoonNet better!

加入我们 (Join us)


  1. 通过邮箱:[email protected]
  2. 博客留言:


  • 提供并且支持主从reactor多进程的支持(进程通信等封装)
  • 提供对http/https的支持
  • 提供内置内存池(优化动态申请内存的性能)
  • 提供对mysql、redis数据库等连接的连接池支持
  • 提供内置异步日志库
  • 提供tcp长连接支持(keep-alive和应用层心跳检测)
  • 提供高负载时拒绝策略
  • ........

You can join us by contacting us through the following ways:

  1. By email: [email protected]
  2. Blog comments:

All forms of contributions are welcome! Additionally, I am looking for more like-minded partners who have an in-depth understanding of high-performance network libraries such as muduo, libevent, etc., and who are highly interested in contributing to the development of MoonNet. In the future, MoonNet aims to add the following features and extensions:

  • Provide and support master-slave reactor multi-process support (encapsulation of inter-process communication, etc.)
  • Provide support for http/https
  • Provide a built-in memory pool (optimize the performance of dynamic memory allocation)
  • Provide connection pool support for databases like MySQL, Redis, etc.
  • Provide a built-in asynchronous logging library
  • Provide TCP long connection support (keep-alive and application-level heartbeat detection)
  • Provide rejection strategies under high load
  • ........

许可证 (License)

本项目采用 BSD 3-Clause 许可证。详情请参阅 LICENSE 文件。

This project adopts the BSD 3-Clause license. Please refer to the LICENSE document for details.


MoonNet 网络库的开发深受 muduo 网络库 的启发和影响.

在此对 muduo 的作者 陈硕先生(Shuo Chen) 表示由衷的感谢,感谢他对开源社区的卓越贡献。

The development of MoonNet network library is deeply influenced by [muduo network library]( )Inspiration and influence I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Shuo Chen, the author of Muduo, for his outstanding contributions to the open source community.


MoonNet is a high-performance event driven Linux server network library







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  • C++ 85.0%
  • Python 7.3%
  • CMake 4.9%
  • C 2.8%