This is library provides handy kotlin dsl for Wiremock stubbing.
Request Matching
- Http methods (post/get/put/delete/patch/options/head/trace/any) { url equalTo "/users/1" } returnsJson { body = """ { "id": 1, "name": "Bob" } """ }
- JSON body - with strong type checking of json value { body contains "id" equalTo 1 body contains "name" like "Alice" body contains "isAdmin" equalTo true body contains "points" equalTo 3.0 body contains "lastName" // just checking if key exists }
- Headers { headers contains "User-Agent" like "Firefox.*" }
- Query parameters { urlPath equalTo "/users/1" queryParams contains "page" like "1.*" }
- Priority { url equalTo "/test" priority = 2 } returnsJson { statusCode = 403 } { url equalTo "/test" headers contains "Authorization" priority = 1 } returnsJson { statusCode = 200 }
- Cookies
- Http methods (post/get/put/delete/patch/options/head/trace/any)
Response specification
- Returns
wiremock.get { url equalTo "/users/1" } returns { statusCode = 200 header = "Content-Type" to "application/json" body = """ { "id": 1, "name": "Bob" } """ }
- Or easier
wiremock.get { url equalTo "/users/1" } returnsJson { body = """ { "id": 1, "name": "Bob" } """ }
- Delays { url equalTo "/users" } returnsJson { delay fixedMs 100 //or gaussian distribution delay medianMs 100 sigma 0.1 }
- Returns
val bobResponse: SpecifyResponse = { body = """ { "id": 1, "name": "Bob" } """ } { url equalTo "/users" } and { body contains "id" equalTo 1 } and { body contains "isAdmin" equalTo true } returns { header = "Content-Type" to "application/json" } and bobResponse and { statusCode = 201 }
Scenarios - stateful behaviour { url equalTo "/users" } returnsJson bobResponse and { toState = "Alice" } { url equalTo "/users" whenState = "Alice" } returnsJson aliceResponse and { clearState = true }
Verification api
wm.verify { headers contains "User-Agent" equalTo "curl" queryParams contains "filter" equalTo "true" cookies contains "cookieKey" equalTo "cookieValue" body contains "pet" equalTo "dog" } //exactly wm.verify { urlPath equalTo "/users/1" exactly = 1 } moreThan 2 //lessThan lessThanOrEqual moreThanOrEqual //atLeast atMost wm.verify { urlPath equalTo "/users/1" atLeast = 1 atMost = 3 }
WiremockTest Junit5 extension
class Junit5RegisterExtensionTest { @JvmField @RegisterExtension var wm = WireMockExtension.newInstance() .options(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort()) .build() @Test fun testGet() { wm.get { url equalTo "/hello" } returns { statusCode = 200 } When { get("${wm.baseUrl()}/hello") } Then { statusCode(200) } } }
- Examples.kt
- JUnit4 example
- Junit5 base class
- Verification test cases
- WithBuilderTests - extension point for using original wiremock api and its extensions(like webhooks)
The Library is compatible with Wiremock - 2.8.0 and higher
Version | Notes |
2.0.0 | Breaking change for verification DSL - changed api for specifying counting |
1.1.0 | Introduced DSL for verfication API |
1.0.5 | In version 1.0.4 url argument (eg.url equalTo "/hello" ) was treated as a path and matches only a path of url, which was wrong and misleading, in version 1.0.5 it was fixed and new keyword urlPath was introduced for matching a path of url (eg.urlPath equalTo "/hello" ). Note: url has precedence in case both are specified |