OctoPilot is a tool designed to help you automate your Gitops workflow, by automatically creating and merging GitHub Pull Requests to update specific content in Git repositories.
It supports updating:
- sops files
- Helm dependencies versions
- YAML files
- Generic updates based on regular expressions
- Running any tool you like
It can update a single repository or multiple at the same time, with different strategies:
- always create a new pull request each time it will run
- re-use existing pull requests based on labels, by adding commits to the existing branch
- re-use existing pull requests based on labels, but re-creating the branch from the master branch
It is somewhat based on updatebot, but written in Go, and with more features:
- supports running multiple "updaters" in the same execution - for example create a PR with both a sops change and a regex change
- run any tool to update a repo
- update YAML files without loosing comments
- more configurable github strategies
- no external dependencies - for example on the
command. Everything is bundled in the binary. - and maintained ;-)
If you store your certificates in git, with the certificate itself in clear text in a YAML file (base64-encoded), and the secret key in a sops-encrypted file, you can update both with the following command:
$ octopilot \
--update "sops(file=certificates/secrets.yaml,key=certificates.myapp.b64encKey)=$(kubectl -n cert-manager get secrets tls-myapp -o jsonpath=\"{.data.tls\\\.key}\")" \
--update "regex(file=certificates/values.yaml,pattern='myapp:\s+b64encCertificate: (.*)')=$(kubectl -n cert-manager get secrets tls-myapp -o jsonpath=\"{.data.tls\\\.crt}\"))" \
--repo "myorg/my-gitops-env"
If you release a new version of your app, you can update all the apps that depends on you:
$ octopilot \
--update "helm(dependency=my-app)=file(path=VERSION)" \
--repo "myorg/some-app" \
--repo "myorg/another-app"
For example to update the version of an app in a YAML file with a format that is not natively supported by OctoPilot, you can use the YAML updater:
$ octopilot \
--update "yaml(file=helmfile.yaml,path='releases.(chart==example/my-chart).version')=file(path=VERSION)"
An alternative is to use the regex updater:
$ octopilot \
--update "regex(file=helmfile.yaml,pattern='chart: example/my-chart\s+version: \"(.*)\"')=file(path=VERSION)"
To replace the whole content of a file:
$ octopilot \
--update "regex(file=README.md,pattern='(?ms)(.*)')=new content"
You can also run any command(s), and OctoPilot will just add/commit everything, and create/update the pull request. For example to automatically update all your Go dependencies to the latest patch version:
$ octopilot \
--update "exec(cmd='go get -u=patch')" \
--update "exec(cmd='go mod tidy')" \
--update "exec(cmd='go mod vendor')"