- Steiermark, Austria
PlatformIO: implements a knx-sensor firmware for a SAMD21 board
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection of Xiaomi's Flower Care Sensor and ESP32 accessing real-time and historical sensor data for temperature, brightness, soil moisture & conductivity.
Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence 👽
Simple Gui to create simple knxprod file for ETS.
knx stack (TP, IP and RF) for arduino and linux, Can be configured with ETS
corgan2222 / esp32-keyble
Forked from lumokitho/esp32-keybleESP32 port of the keyble library
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standa…
With "Rooms" mobile devices can perform indoor self-localization using an app and low-cost BLE beacons.
DCCS.LocalizedString.NetStandard provide a multilanguage string implementation and multilangue exceptions.
File Watcher Services for ASP.NET Core projects
Paing & Sorting of data made easy for WebAPI & Co.
Apollon77 / ioBroker.alexa2
Forked from soef/ioBroker.alexaioBroker Adapter to control Amazon Alexa/Echo devices
WebDAV-Server for .NET using ASP.NET Core
astenlund74 / openhab2-addons
Forked from openhab/openhab-addonsAdd-ons for openHAB 2.x