- https://mgthomas99.github.io
enola Public
Command line utility for deleting directories as quickly as possible
Learning-CPP-In-Y-Minutes Public
Adventures in learning C++, using 'Learn X in Y minutes' (https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/c++/)
pi-temperature Public
Forked from odensc/pi-temperatureMeasure the temperature on a Raspberry Pi - Node.js module
clamp Public
Forked from hughsk/clampClamp a value between two other values.
node-project Public
Node.js TypeScript project boilerplate using Gulp and Babel for build automation and ESLint and TSLint for source linting
picopig Public
139-byte implementation of the classic dice game, "Pig"
aurelia-conditionals Public
Aurelia custom elements for conditional DOM construction
array-equal Public
Forked from sindresorhus/array-equalcheck if two arrays are equal
discord-tipbot Public
Discord bot for sending and receiving digital currency
css-project Public
CSS project template
picobrain Public
The 250-byte Brainfuck interpreter, written in Javascript!
picoassert Public
Forked from emilbayes/nanoassertpicoassert is a tiny Javascript assertion library that provides equality and truthiness testing in as few bytes as possible!
easy-vg Public
Forked from ajstarks/openvgOpenVG API for producing hardware-accelerated vector graphics.
egl-context-swap-report Public
EGL context swap report resources
font2openvg Public archive
A hosting of the font2openvg library developed by the dissolved Hybrid Graphics, Ltd.
degrad Public
Angular unit conversion between degrees, radians, and gradians.
TypeScript-Vue-Starter Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-Vue-StarterA starter template for TypeScript and Vue with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
electron-typescript-vue Public
Forked from SimulatedGREG/electron-vueAn Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
typedarray-dts Public
TypeScript type definitions for JS typed arrays
next-random Public
Seeded pseudorandom number generator object implementation for NodeJS
array-pair Public
JavaScript array pairing and merging