This repository contains important/custom linux application configs (specifically, i3, polybar and rofi).
In ~/.mozilla/<profilecode>
add a directory chrome
and within it create a userChrome.css
file. Add:
#navigator-toolbox[inFullscreen="true"] #PersonalToolbar {
visibility: unset !important;
- i3 (as well as betterlockscreen)
- dunst
- polybar
- pamixer + pavucontrol
- brave
- firefox
- keepassxc
- kdeconnect
- zsh (ohmyzsh)
- lyrebird
- LyX
- calibre
- flameshot
- solaar
- Backlight issues:
sudo chmod +s $(which brightnessctl)
Github Issue- Changing GRUB Config
- i3 Config Change (Keybinds)
- Arch Backlight Wiki
- amdgpu_bl0 randomly changed to amdgpu_bl1 after upgrading to Ubuntu 24
- Random Scripts That I Use